Dear all,
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all of the cards and presents you gave me yesterday. We have had a fantastic year and you have learnt a huge amount as well as developing many other skills. Some of you are certainly acting much more grown up than when I first saw you a year ago!
I wish you every success in Year 4 at our fantastic school!
Mr Goddard
Thursday, 21 July 2016
Friday, 1 July 2016
Blogging due Friday 8th July
Voices in the Park
This week we have been reading Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne. We have been looking at the different perspectives of four different characters and their experiences at the park.
Your task is to choose one of the characters and write a description of them.
Your task is to choose one of the characters and write a description of them.
- What sort of personality do they have?
- How do they look and dress?
- Would you be friends with this person in real life? Why?
- Do you think they are a happy person?
Friday, 24 June 2016
Friday, 17 June 2016
Health Week due Friday 24th June 2016
Health Week
This week has been Health Week at Chatsworth. We have been learning about eating breakfast, getting your five a day, exercise and many other things to do with staying healthy.
Your task this week is to tell us what you do to stay healthy and why.
Tell us all about your healthy lifestyle in a paragraph.
Your task this week is to tell us what you do to stay healthy and why.
- Do you go to any sports clubs or classes?
- Do you have a healthy breakfast every morning? What do you have?
- How do you get your five a day?
- How do you make sure you are drinking enough water?
Tell us all about your healthy lifestyle in a paragraph.
Friday, 10 June 2016
Roman gods and goddesses - Due Friday 17th June 2016
This week we have been learning about the daily lives of the Romans.
In a few weeks, we will be learning about the different Roman gods and goddesses. Your task this week is to find information about one of the gods or goddesses and tell us about them.
In a few weeks, we will be learning about the different Roman gods and goddesses. Your task this week is to find information about one of the gods or goddesses and tell us about them.
- What were they the god of?
- What did they look like?
- Why were they important?
Friday, 27 May 2016
Romans due Friday 10th June 2016
After half term we will be learning about the Romans, in particular, their daily lives and buildings. Your task over half term is to create a poster about the Romans that we can display in our classroom. It can be in any format you like but it must be informative!
Friday, 20 May 2016
Extreme Environments due 27.5.16
Extreme Environments
Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about the Polar Regions. In particular we have learnt about the differences between the Arctic and Antarctic, how animals are adapted to live there and how climate change is affecting these regions.
This week, your task is to choose an animal that lives in the Polar Regions and write a paragraph explaining how they are adapted to live in these extreme environments. Think carefully about the colour of their fur, where they live, what they eat and how they survive the cold.
This week, your task is to choose an animal that lives in the Polar Regions and write a paragraph explaining how they are adapted to live in these extreme environments. Think carefully about the colour of their fur, where they live, what they eat and how they survive the cold.
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Songs for Assembly
Here are the links for the songs for our assembly to learn at home:
Friday, 13 May 2016
Natural History Museum due Friday 20th May 2016
Natural History Museum
Well done, everyone! You were so sensible and well behaved on our trip to the Natural History Museum. I was incredibly proud of all of you.
I would also like to say another massive thank you to the parents that helped us throughout the day. You were so helpful, kind and patient.
Your homework task is to write about your favourite part of the day and tell us why you liked that part the most. Try to give more than one reason!
I would also like you to think of any questions you might have about the workshop we took part in and we will try to explore some of the ideas further in our Science lessons next term.
Friday, 6 May 2016
Friday, 29 April 2016
Over the next few weeks we will be learning and performing different types of poems, particularly sound poetry.
Your task is to write us a poem. It can be about anything you like and it doesn't have to rhyme. Think carefully about how you will perform it to class.
We're looking forward to hearing them!
Your task is to write us a poem. It can be about anything you like and it doesn't have to rhyme. Think carefully about how you will perform it to class.
We're looking forward to hearing them!
Friday, 22 April 2016
Tudors - rich or poor?
This week we have been learning about the differences between the lives of rich and poor people during the Tudor period. Write two paragraphs about whether you would like to live as a rich or a poor person during the Tudor period and why. Try to give at least three reasons and explain them in detail.
Friday, 15 April 2016
Home task due Friday 22nd April 2016
This week we have been learning about biographies, in particular, the life of Mae Jemison, the first African-American woman to go to space.
Your task this week is to find some facts about a famous person of your choice. We will be writing about them in class next week. Write your information onto the planning sheet given to you by your teacher and remember to just write in note form.
If you're struggling to think of someone, try finding out about;
Your task this week is to find some facts about a famous person of your choice. We will be writing about them in class next week. Write your information onto the planning sheet given to you by your teacher and remember to just write in note form.
If you're struggling to think of someone, try finding out about;
- your favourite author
- a musician or singer that you like
- your favourite actor
- your favourite person from history
- someone you admire
Here are a few examples;
Tim Peake
Roald Dahl
David Beckham
Queen Elizabeth II
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Swimming starts agin Tuesday 19th April
There will be no swimming the first Tuesday back after the Easter holidays, but will resume every Tuesday from the 19th April.
Have a lovely Easter,
Mr Goddard
Have a lovely Easter,
Mr Goddard
Blogging task due Friday 15th April 2016
The Tudors
After Easter, we will be learning about the Tudors, in particular, their daily lives, buildings, religion and kings and queens.
To prepare for our topic, you must find ten interesting facts about the Tudors. Write them in the comments below. Make sure you read everyone else's facts, you might learn something new!
Here are some websites that will help you;
To prepare for our topic, you must find ten interesting facts about the Tudors. Write them in the comments below. Make sure you read everyone else's facts, you might learn something new!
Here are some websites that will help you;
Friday, 18 March 2016
Science projects due Wednesday 23rd March
Your written homework this week is to make sure you have a written part of your Science Project. Either instructions, a review, an explanation or some information that you have found out about how the Science in your project works. This should be presented with your project or as part of it.
(You do not need to write anything on the blog this week.)
Below is a reminder of the instructions for the projects.
Science Week
(You do not need to write anything on the blog this week.)
Below is a reminder of the instructions for the projects.
Science Week
During the week beginning the 21st March, we will be taking part in an exciting Science week.
On Wednesday 23rd we will hold annual Science fair. If you would like to take part, you will need to investigate a scientific problem or a science question that interests you. Ideally, you will carry out an experiment, survey or test, rather than researching the answer to a question in books or on the internet. You can present your work on up to A1 (84cm x 59cm) paper and can bring in objects or photographs to show the results of your experiments.
The work will be displayed in classrooms on Wednesday 23rd March, with classes opening at 3pm for parents and carers to come and see the children’s work. Children will leave school at the usual time of 3.30 (KS1) and 3.35 (KS2).
We look forward to seeing what experiments you will bring this year. The projects will be judged by our guest judges. Judges will be looking at:
- Presentation of work
- Knowledge and understanding
- Curiosity and scientific enquiry skills
Friday, 11 March 2016
Blogging Task due Friday 18th March 2016
Finish the Story
"Charlie, get up! It's time for school," shouted his mother from the landing. Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different. Today was going to be amazing..... (100 words)
Also,sorry I could not be in today but this homework should be fairly straight forward to understand what to do! - Mr Goddard
Friday, 4 March 2016
Blogging task due 11th March and Science project information
Stories Set in Familiar Places and Science Week
This week we have been learning about stories set in familar places. We have been looking, in particular, at a story called 'One Sweet Too Far', which is set in a school.
Your task this week is to think back to a memorable day that you have experienced at school, and turn it into a story. Remember, this is NOT a diary entry so you must write in the past tense and the third person.
Science Week
Your task this week is to think back to a memorable day that you have experienced at school, and turn it into a story. Remember, this is NOT a diary entry so you must write in the past tense and the third person.
Science Week
During the week beginning the 21st March, we will be taking part in an exciting Science week.
On Wednesday 23rd we will hold annual Science fair. If you would like to take part, you will need to investigate a scientific problem or a science question that interests you. Ideally, you will carry out an experiment, survey or test, rather than researching the answer to a question in books or on the internet. You can present your work on up to A1 (84cm x 59cm) paper and can bring in objects or photographs to show the results of your experiments.
The work will be displayed in classrooms on Wednesday 23rd March, with classes opening at 3pm for parents and carers to come and see the children’s work. Children will leave school at the usual time of 3.30 (KS1) and 3.35 (KS2).
We look forward to seeing what experiments you will bring this year. The projects will be judged by our guest judges. Judges will be looking at:
- Presentation of work
- Knowledge and understanding
- Curiosity and scientific enquiry skills
There are a few children who are not completing their Mathletics every week. This is a part of your homework and it needs to be completed. If there is a problem with your computer at home then see Mr Goddard and you can go to Mathletics club on a Wednesday lunchtime.
Mr Goddard.
Mr Goddard.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Blogging Task and Art Week - due Friday 26th February
Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age
Since the beginning of term, we have been learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We have been finding out about the homes, tools, food, clothes and structures that were made by the people that lived during these periods.
This week, your task is to tell me which period you would prefer to live in and why. Write your answers in the comment box below.
Here are some websites where you can find a bit more information;
I would prefer to live in the Iron Age because the people that lived during this period were much more sophisticated than the previous two periods. The people of the Iron Age had begun to farm vegetables and animals, so they had access to many different types of food. They were also able to use fire, which meant they were able to cook their food in the large iron pots they had made themselves. Furthermore, the Iron Age people had invented soap, so they were able to keep themselves clean, and they decorated their bodies with jewellery. They also had access to much better tools and weapons, which made hunting and fighting much easier.
However, these people had to live alongside the Celts. The Celts were a ferocious group of people who had access to very sophisticated weapons. They enjoyed fighting and this led to many bloody battles with the people of the Iron Age.
Art Week
After half term we will be having another Art Week. Our focus will be digital media and we will be creating pictures of our fears. Over half term we would like you to think about what you are most afraid of and try to find the proper name for that fear. For example, a fear of spiders is called arachnophobia and a fear of the dark is called nyctophobia.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Mathletics this week (set 11.2.16)
Lots of the you found the bar chart activities difficult last week and so we have reset them to have another go this week.
If you did do well then you have some challenging tasks on line graphs and tables to have a stab at over the break!
Enjoy half - term!
Mr Goddard
Friday, 5 February 2016
Blogging Task due Thursday 11th February 2016
Spooky Settings
This week we have been revisiting stories of mystery and suspense. In the story 'Staying Out', the author shows the characters moving from one setting to another.
Your task is to look carefully at the picture below and write about travelling to that setting and what it was like when you got there. Think carefully about;
Your task is to look carefully at the picture below and write about travelling to that setting and what it was like when you got there. Think carefully about;
- where you would have been beforehand
- how you would have travelled there
- why you were going there
- what it was like when you got there.
Remember to use short sentences and lots of description!
Write your descriptions in the comment box below. Please remember to write your name on your comments.
I'm really looking forward to reading them!
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
We have seen a lot of improvements in recorder playing recently so please keep up the practising at home.
The link above will take you to the page where you can find all the songs that we use in class.
Some children are still forgetting their recorder on a Wednesday. Please make sure you have it!
Happy recorder-ing!!
Friday, 29 January 2016
Friday, 22 January 2016
Blogging task due Friday 29th January
Stone Age Animals
Last term, we learnt to write non-chronological reports. We want to see what you can remember from this unit of writing.
Your task this week is to write a 150 word non-chronological report on a Stone Age animal of your choice.
Here are some websites to help you;
Your task this week is to write a 150 word non-chronological report on a Stone Age animal of your choice.
Here are some websites to help you;
Friday, 15 January 2016
Blogging Task due Friday 22nd January!
We Are Pirates!
This week we have been enjoying Maths week in school. Our theme was pirates so every lesson this week has had a link to both maths and pirates! We completed lots of swashbuckling activities, including making treasure maps and designing pirate ships.
Your task this week has been set by Pirate Pete....
Aye, aye me hearties. I have one last task for all you scurvy dogs. We have just docked on a new treasure island. I want you to write a description of the island, using as many interesting adjectives, similes and verbs as you can. Anyone that forgets their capital letters and full stops will be forced to walk the plank! Arghhhhh!
Your task this week has been set by Pirate Pete....
Aye, aye me hearties. I have one last task for all you scurvy dogs. We have just docked on a new treasure island. I want you to write a description of the island, using as many interesting adjectives, similes and verbs as you can. Anyone that forgets their capital letters and full stops will be forced to walk the plank! Arghhhhh!
Wednesday, 6 January 2016
Recorder Practice - Please try to do some extra practising!!
Please try to do some extra practise and follow their link.
We are learning 'Me Re Doh'
We are learning 'Me Re Doh'
Saturday, 2 January 2016
Happy New Year!
Hello Downing Street,
I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and I'm sure you have all had a lovely Christmas break which I will get to hear lots about next week. I am extremely grateful for all the Christmas cards, presents and wishes I received so thank you to all!
I would also like to remind you that the 'Homework Project' we have set you is not due in for a few weeks in order to give you time to make something amazing - just like the Science projects you completed in Year 2. Although the task is on the blog there is no need to put anything on the blog, just bring in your project on the Friday that it is due in.
Enjoy the last weekend of your holiday and I will see you all next week,
Best wishes,
Mr Goddard
I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and I'm sure you have all had a lovely Christmas break which I will get to hear lots about next week. I am extremely grateful for all the Christmas cards, presents and wishes I received so thank you to all!
I would also like to remind you that the 'Homework Project' we have set you is not due in for a few weeks in order to give you time to make something amazing - just like the Science projects you completed in Year 2. Although the task is on the blog there is no need to put anything on the blog, just bring in your project on the Friday that it is due in.
Enjoy the last weekend of your holiday and I will see you all next week,
Best wishes,
Mr Goddard
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