Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age
Since the beginning of term, we have been learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We have been finding out about the homes, tools, food, clothes and structures that were made by the people that lived during these periods.
This week, your task is to tell me which period you would prefer to live in and why. Write your answers in the comment box below.
Here are some websites where you can find a bit more information;
I would prefer to live in the Iron Age because the people that lived during this period were much more sophisticated than the previous two periods. The people of the Iron Age had begun to farm vegetables and animals, so they had access to many different types of food. They were also able to use fire, which meant they were able to cook their food in the large iron pots they had made themselves. Furthermore, the Iron Age people had invented soap, so they were able to keep themselves clean, and they decorated their bodies with jewellery. They also had access to much better tools and weapons, which made hunting and fighting much easier.
However, these people had to live alongside the Celts. The Celts were a ferocious group of people who had access to very sophisticated weapons. They enjoyed fighting and this led to many bloody battles with the people of the Iron Age.
Art Week
After half term we will be having another Art Week. Our focus will be digital media and we will be creating pictures of our fears. Over half term we would like you to think about what you are most afraid of and try to find the proper name for that fear. For example, a fear of spiders is called arachnophobia and a fear of the dark is called nyctophobia.
I choose that the Iron Age period is the best era I like, because Iron Age people had more brain than the people who live in two other period of time.
ReplyDeleteIron Age people also have tools made out of metal that are sharper. So it can cut through animal skin such as Mammoths and Saber Tooth Tigers.
The Iron Age people ate crops as well as meat. They also drank water from rivers and lakes.
The Iron Age people made cloths out of animal skin. Women normally wore Saber Tooth Tiger`s skin and the men used to wear Mammoth’s skin.
By Methmi
you know?
ReplyDeleteIron Age Britain was famous for its hunting dogs.
Coinage was first minted in Britain around 100 BC. Coins were made of gold, silver and bronze.
Iron Age Britons ate porridge made of barley and rye.
Only about a quarter of children born during the Iron Age reached adulthood.
The average life expectancy at birth was 25 years.
Iron Age Britons played board games with glass pieces.The Roman name for the inhabitants of the British Isles was Britons. The Britons were part of the Celtic people who lived throughout Northern Europe at this time.
Iron was tougher than bronze and could be shaped into finer and sharper objects. It required smithing (heating and hammering) to make into tools and implements.
The manufacture, casting and trading of bronze had required special skills and made those people who possessed these skills wealthy and powerful. Iron was more readily available than bronze and was easier to work.
Iron ploughs called ards were more efficient than earlier bronze or wooden ploughs. This meant they could till heavier soils so more land could be used for farming.
As farming became more productive the population began to rise.
One of the most important and time-saving inventions of the Iron Age was the rotatory quern which was used for grinding grain to make flour. The grain was placed between two circular stones and the top stone was turned or rotated using a handle.
The diets people ate, the houses they lived in and the customs they followed varied depending on which part of the country they inhabited.
Most Iron Age people worked and lived on small farms and their lives were governed by the changing of the seasons.
Grain was stored in granaries or in underground vaults. Meat or fish could be preserved by salting or smoking.
As people began to produce and store more grain than they could use, they were able to trade the surplus. Land ownership and grain production became the way to gain wealth and power.The move from bronze to iron as the preferred toolmaking metal brought with it a range of social changes. Wealth and power were no longer related to the production and trade in metal but were now associated with food surpluses and land ownership. Improvements in agriculture and diet were reflected in a rising population. It is estimated that between one million and one and a half million people were living in Britain at the time of the Roman invasion.
Iron Age Britain was populated by Celtic tribes who had close links to continental Europe. These links were reinforced by trade between the South of Britain and the continent. British exports included grain, metal, dogs and slaves and imports included wine, oil and pottery.
Regional differences became more evident in culture, diet and housing. In Scotland Iron Age people lived in brochs (circular stone towers), crannogs, (wooden dwellings built on islets) and wheelhouses (stone roundhouses). Most people in the South lived in wattle-and-daub roundhouses forming small farmsteads.
Burial practices also varied. In Cornwall Iron Age people were buried in stone-lined graves. In the late Iron Age people in the South East cremated their dead.
One of the most dominant features of the Iron Age countryside was the hill fort. These were often surrounded by banks, ditches and wooden fortifications. In times of peace they were sometimes inhabited by farmers and they could provide shelter for local populations during war. Unfortunately for the local Celts they proved no match for superior Roman military technology.
By the end of the Iron Age some larger settlements known as oppida were emerging. These could be found as far north as Yorkshire and reflected tribal power in the areas in which they are found. As many as 20 oppida have been identified in Britain, the best known being Colchester and St Albans.
By Mushtaq
I would rather live in the Iron Age because the Iron Age people could make lots of things out of mettle. They have more stuff then the other two Ages before! Some people in the Iron Age were rich and they had lots of jewellery. But in that time they also invented soap to wash they hands. The Iron Age people also invented fire to cook they food. Instead of having brick they had iron. They lived a little bit like us during the Iron Age.
ReplyDeleteBy Elena
I choose that the Iron Age period is the best era I like, because Iron Age people had more brain than the people who live in two other period of time.
ReplyDeleteIron Age people also have tools made out of metal that are sharper. So it can cut through animal skin such as Mammoths and Saber Tooth Tigers.
The Iron Age people ate crops as well as meat. They also drank water from rivers and lakes.
The Iron Age people made cloths out of animal skin. Women normally wore Saber Tooth Tiger`s skin and the men used to wear Mammoth’s skin.
By Methmi
I would prefer to live in the Iron Age because the people who lived there created better and stronger tools then the people in the previous period.The tools were made from iron.Iron is tougher than bronze and it can be shaped easily.The men in the town used the tools in war They also made necklaces with pearls and other semi-precious gemstones that were found in the sea .They fished for large fishes and other things that they could eat.Their pots were made out of iron and sometimes clay instead of stone or bronze which was used in the previous period.They used their homemade pots to cook.Blacksmith’s usually made the pots and tools but,there were no rules that said you couldn't make them yourselves some people just made them at home.People owned little land but,a few people owned farms and sold some of their crops in the market.I do agree that it was not simple but,I do think that it was peaceful and glorious as paradise.
ReplyDeleteBy Vibha
I am afraid of spiders. The proper name of that is called arachnophobia. I am afraid of spiders because they are hairy, ugly and there teeth are so terrifying. If somebody was bitten by a spider it could cause a big injury. They also think that we, humans, are not cleaver. Spiders have two body parts and eight legs.
ReplyDeleteBy Elena
I would prefer to live in the iron age because the people had more sense of what they were doing and how they did it.
ReplyDeleteAlso they were more clever and had much more stronger material which was called iron. Iron was made from lava, i know that you might be thinking that they went in the volcanoes but that is not true! they made lava therselves
amazing isn't it . Also I like their round houses the people had one hole right at the top of the roundhouse so the smoke from the fire could come out.
I would prefer to live in Iron age because at the beginning of the Iron age people lived in small villages and spent their days growing crops and looking after farm animals so they had food such as wheat,barley,milk and meat which was good than previous ages.Iron age blacksmith must had been very important people.Only they knew the secret of making Iron and making tools from it.Rich people wore jewellery at that time.Small family groups joined together into tribes.So they can live in a group.They also celebrated festival and enjoy feast.They also invented mirrors and so they were able to keep themself clean and painted their bodies and even tattooed themself.Some of our oldest British legend come from Iron age.In the late Iron age rich people buy luxury goods like olive oil wine from a broad.
ReplyDeleteHowever,if you lived in the Iron age and if your tribe fought to enemies tribe and lost,you and all your family might be forced into slavery.
From Soham
I would prefer to live in the Iron Age because the Iron Age people had permanent houses but the Stone Age people had houses in various places .The Iron Age houses were called roundhouses. Also the houses were placed in a hill fort. A hill fort meant that enemies could be seen approaching from miles off. It was safer too. Strong iron tools made farming and harvesting crops easier so people were able to produce more food than the previous times. They had new tools like iron shovels and ploughs. Iron was stronger than bronze so it made iron harder to defeat. They also had a potters wheel. Stone Age people could not weave but the Iron Age could, so in the Stone Age people wore animal skin. Both Bronze and Iron Ages they could weave wool into cloth, so they would have much more comfier proper clothes. The first coins were produced as well.
ReplyDeleteBy Eva
I'll rather lived in the iron age because it is more homey,worm and safer.Also, the houses look very well made and really cozy , I also, like the idea that everything is made of iron and iron is very strong.
ReplyDeleteIron age because they made better housese than stone age.Though some
ReplyDeletesome animal are strong they can beat them and the tools are very
strong and they wear fur thats why i like Iron age
Thousand years ago people used to.Live in Stone age Bronze age and Iron age.I would prefer to live in stone age because people use to go and hunt animals.And also they have meat and fish to eat.People use animal skin to keep them self warm in cold.Stone age people don't wear dresses or cloths to wear.But they only wear animal fur.Houses were made sticks big rocks and straws.Houses use to have only big 1 room .People like fish a lot.People wear hard working Life in Stone age is simple and easy.
ReplyDeleteI would rather live in Iron Age house because it was the last one built that means that they took their time also they have built 2 types of houses in different times it could also had been 2000 years after they built that kind of house from different times.Also I would like to live in a Iron Age house is because the times we live in now weren't invented a picture of Iron Age and Stone Age Iron Age would have more colour.iron age still had stone for Stone Age and bronze colour and stuff for Bronze Age.
ReplyDeleteI would prefer to live in bronze age times because they started making proper clothes.In 5500 BC extraction of metals begin in Persia and Afghanistan,4000BC Ur in Mesopotamia in the worlds first city,3800 BC bronze discovered in the middle east,3500 BC first Egyptian cities develop,3300 BC bronze age begins in summer,3300 start of Indus valley civilisation,2700 BCstart of Sumerian written history and 650 BC end of bronze age.During bronze age,many people crossed the sea from mainland Europe to Britain. They travelled in long wooden boats.The boats carried people, animals goods and jewellery.Bronze age people ate apples,eggs,figs and olives. They picked olives from trees and apples and they hunted for eggs.Until 800 BC gathering was the main source of food.Life in bronze age was hard.They had cities and towns.They also had a king called the Amesbury archer. He lived in the Stonehenge
Ashlyn G
I would live in the iron age because this age had much more positive ways than the stone and bronze age.
ReplyDeleteAt first,the weapons were stronger as well as the houses were better. The houses were made out of mud and straw and a whole in the sealing for the smoke to come out.The iron age had no way of transport.In this age they ate fish and sabre toot flesh and made neclaces out of small bones.
Secondly,their lives were easier because they cultivated agriculture so then ground rye helped them make flower and they could bake bread.
By Igor
The iron age lasted from about 700 BC to 43 AD.It was when people started making metal.It is also much better than bronze and keeps a cutting edge for longer.The oldest known article made by hammering is a dagger found in Egypt that was made before 1350 BC.This dagger is believed not to have been made in Egypt but to be of Hittite workmanship.In Asia,Europe and Egypt it was preceded by bronze age.It did not begin in the Americas until the coming of the Europeans.Iron is still used today.Priests known as druids led religious ceremonies .they sacrificed animals and sometimes humans!The druids gave precious offerings,such as swords and cups to the spirits.They buried the offerings or threw them into the river, lake or bog.They had special ornaments.Iron age homes were the best out of bronze age and stone age.They were like hills because top roof was made out of grass and mud and the bottom was like a tent.Inside was 1 big room in the middle they had a hearth and on the side a hall but they had no kitchen then they had to hunt for food. by Ashlyn.G
ReplyDeleteI would pefer to live in iron age because i like the name of it and iron age was the latest.I like the iron age houses Also
ReplyDeletethe peopal have better clothes and it was near to the world war 1. I do not want technoligy but they do not. I was not able to see my great great great great grandad and granmar
I prefer to live in the stone age because their where very clever. Also they had very hard houses so they the are protected and safe too. If they did not have safe houses they would of hurt themselves really badly. They where very lucky. By MISHCA
ReplyDeleteI choose Stone Age. The stone age belt there home with stone. It was better because it could not berk it was so strong. They eat fish and plants.They did not have guns they had only bone and arrows.
ReplyDeleteBy Bartek
I wood live in the iron age bacause the iron age was the first age to eat fruit. plus they had cleverer people than the ages before. they hunted and they were the most successful age out of them and the best at hunting out of ston age iron age and bronze age. by mal
ReplyDeleteThe Iron age began at different times throughout the world and it started at the 8th century BC in central Europe soon after the Bronze age finished.
ReplyDeleteI prefer to live in the iron age because, the people in the iron age are more civilised and they started to make use of iron and various other metals. They used iron tools to make various things to help them in daily work and farming made much easier than the other ages. They started to make use of technology Eg. rotary quern to grind floor, they made swords by heating the bars over charcoal fire, wood turners used to make pole lathe to make wood cups, plates and dishes. People had better houses and they made better use of the tools to make furniture and other things. Iron age people were good and at fixing and mending things. Women were very skilled at doing art, especially making pottery, cups, they had the best kilim for it. Women were also good and weaving and making clothes. The houses were like huts and they were round with roof made out of dried grass with a pointed thatched roof and walls made out of mud and twigs mixture. The people in Iron age believed in spirits and used to meet together to worship near the lakes.
I wish I lived during the Iron age.
Iron Age was a time after Bronze Age and Stone Age when people used tools made out of iron. I prefer to be in the Iron Age as the houses are balanced nicely and are well made. Iron Age also had the most good to do things, as it was the latest out of Stone, Bronze and Iron Age. Iron Age people were able to weave clothes to wear whereas Stone Age were not able to weave. Bronze Age people were able to weave but the Iron Age people would weave in a more advanced manner. Iron Age tools would not break whereas tools of Bronze Age and Stone Age were more fragile.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your homework entries over the half term period. It is great to see how much your writing has improved as well as your history knowledge. I'm sure you will be able to show this off tomorrow on out school trip!
ReplyDeleteI would prefer to live in Iron Age.I think life is much easier.The people who lived during this period had variety of foods.The flour was also introduced at this period.The preservation of foods by salting and smoking.And with the use of iron farming tools,it made the farmers to become more efficient,the started to plant variet kinds of crops and they have more time for other activities. With the time they save from easy farming they started to use this free time in making salts,fashionable clothes and crafting jewelries.With this product, they started to trade over long distance.During Iron Age ,they started also the coinage.Coins were made of gold,silver and bronze.I would really choose Iron Age,it changes a lot,from farming to the way the fought their wars.
I would have liked to experience life in the Stone Age period. Instead of living in a fixed home I would have enjoyed following herds of animals and sleep in makeshift shelters or inside caves. This would be an adventure for me. I would encounter huge and fierce creatures such as mammoths and hunt them down using a simple pointed wooden spear. I would enjoy fishing and gathering shellfish, nuts, fruits and roots. I believe during this period, the plough was invented, so I would have learned how to farm. Perhaps I would have experienced flint knapping, making stone tools. In this age, tools were made using flint, bones and antlers. I enjoy art and cave art was popular during this period and people enjoyed creating art.
I prefer Iron Age because it is most sophisticated that the other two periods. People in Iron Age made better houses and were made out straw and Iron. They made metal pots to eat their food and were able to grow vegetables. Do you know that during the Iron Age sophisticated weapons were invented? They are famous for hunting. They also know how to use fire so keep them warm and a whole to let out the smoke.
ReplyDeleteFrom the Stone Age to the Iron Age people wore shoes. Alongside the Celts they had highly developed weapons and they fought a bloody battle. Their weapons were swords, bow and arrows, spheres and daggers. They wore Jewellery in the Iron Age made of gold and silver.
People have metal rings and they were Iron Age coins. The bigger the ring the more it weighs and greater the value. Maiden castle is an Iron Age hill fort. It was the largest hill fort of them all. Maiden castle was carved from the hills. The Iron Age got its name because people started using the metal called Iron Age. The Iron Age began around 1200 B.C.