Friday 5 February 2016

Blogging Task due Thursday 11th February 2016

Spooky Settings

This week we have been revisiting stories of mystery and suspense. In the story 'Staying Out', the author shows the characters moving from one setting to another.
Your task is to look carefully at the picture below and write about travelling to that setting and what it was like when you got there. Think carefully about;
  • where you would have been beforehand
  • how you would have travelled there
  • why you were going there
  • what it was like when you got there.

Remember to use short sentences and lots of description!

Write your descriptions in the comment box below. Please remember to write your name on your comments.

I'm really looking forward to reading them!


  1. I'm so happy!In fact I think I've ever been so happy.Opps.I forgot to mention why I am so excited.So,my best friends are coming over for a few days because their parents are going on a trip together.You might have guessed who my best friends are because I hang out with them at school.But,I'll tell you their names anyway . Their names are Methmi and Mishca and I think they are the best friends I've ever had.So,anyway I just can't wait till tomorrow!

    Yeeessss!They've arrived.Who?My best friends of course.Duh.Oh,and my name is Vibha.Our plan is to stay awake every single night that their at my house.Which is for one week.

    Can you please tell me if this is great or not.Because I think it is.My best friends told me plans.Today is the fourth day. So,that means my best friends have been at my house for four days.Today they told me that we were going to sneak out the window at night. So I asked them where we were going.They told me about a old factory that people said was haunted.I winced at the thought of the old factory.That night I told my mom that her eyes looked red. I did it to make her go to bed so she wouldn't suspect a thing."I'm going to bed "she said."Can you lot take care of yourselves" she asked me .Yes mom . I went back to the room where my best friends asked me how it went."Pretty good"I replied. So we took a basket.In the basket we placed some food and water.Just in case.We took my skipping rope and pushed the balcony door open.As we stepped outside cold air brushed past us.We tied one end of the rope to the metal railing and slipped the other side down.My skipping rope was pretty long so it can touch the ground and we lived on second floor.We slid into the cool night air.A little while later,we were walking through a forest.I clutched the basket tightly.My teeth clattered and my fingers trembled.A hollow noise came from the forest and the trees began to sway.I jumped.It’s all right,Mishca reassured .Look!I gasped.A dark building stood before us.This is the old factory.We peeped in.We stepped inside. A notebook!Methmi exclaimed.She picked it up and just when she was going to open it a ghostly noise came from inside the building .Methmi dropped the notebook.She ran away.We did too.In fact we ran so fast that when we were near the balcony we drank lots of water and ate some food. We climbed up the rope.Later,we were snuggled up in the bed.Today had been fun.Three more days until there parents come back from the trip.Good night!


    1. Thats so much of detail Vibha!!! Very interesting and has lots of wow words!

    2. This was very entertaining and I can see from the effort and length that you also were engrossed in your writing!

  2. Ben and i had planned to go to a spooky place.I told ben,s mum that we were going to the park.She stared at us for a while.Finally, she let us go.We ran upstairs to pack our bag,s.We chatted for a while until it was time to go.As we left bens mum raised her eyebrow.We walkled to the train station.After a while we arrived at the train station.On the display it said the train to london is delayed."I guess we have to go by bus".1 hour later we arrived at the bus stop and got on the bus.We had a snack.5 stops later we arrived.We looked for a spooky place.we saw a black house ben wanted to go in.I froze.As i went in i leaned against a shelf CRASH..... BANG a jar fell.Ben went upstairs.jars were full with insects the bed was crooked.Suddenly the phone began to ring.i was scared but ben was not.The phone stopped was bens mum.we got told of.I am never going to a scary place again.
    by ashlyn

    1. supper!!!!!!!!!

    2. I like your description, Ashlyn!

    3. Lots and lots of suspense! Well done, Ashlyn.

  3. I always wanted to hear about spooky stories in my book when I go to sleep walking through.And in my dream I was going to the bridge and
    I heard some squeaky noise and all the branches are a mess and the bridge had broken woods.And the windows had so much cracks and so much glass.So I wake up from that dream and there was nothing in front of me.Then I told my mum about a spooky story.
    by Mafalda

  4. long long ago i lived in old brick house.My dream was me and 1 of my old friends that could not afford a high school i wanted to afford high school to i decided to make my dream come true as days went past i finally thought where i could go the reason i wanted to go there was because i had allot of money not that much but at least more than my friend we had forgotten to tell our mums we travelled by a stage coach.

  5. It was a black and stormy night. There was whistling and howling wind brushing through the air. Jake and his twin brother Jack could not sleep. I went straight downstairs and rushed to the light. I crashed into a glass door.
    The door opened. I crept in at that my phone rang. A huge thing leaped out! but it turned out to be my dad.

  6. At the park i was chasing birds. I followed one into the forest and then i realised i was lost! It was very dark and i was walking for ages until i found a solitary
    house. I had to go inside the house it was very scary. floor boards were creaking. I saw a shadow it looked like tiger we were on to different sides of the desk. it came closer i was shivering. it leapt up on the desk it was a cat. I went out side and i could see my house. by mal

  7. At the park i was chasing birds. I followed one into the forest and then i realised i was lost! It was very dark and i was walking for ages until i found a solitary
    house. I had to go inside the house it was very scary. floor boards were creaking. I saw a shadow it looked like tiger we were on to different sides of the desk. it came closer i was shivering. it leapt up on the desk it was a cat. I went out side and i could see my house. by mal

  8. jake and I was walking back from school.Then I said "lets go into the old house".we enterterd the room. I accidently knoced over ajar of bugs.then the phone started ringing!thenwe heared a creacing noise. then it got louder andlouder!then we saw the liybarion and the liybarion said "why are you hear.and they ran home.then we got toled of
    by itquan

    1. Super effort to use some speech. Please remember your capitals though!

  9. At the park i was chasing birds. I followed one into the forest and then i realised i was lost! It was very dark and i was walking for ages until i found a solitary
    house. I had to go inside the house it was very scary. floor boards were creaking. I saw a shadow it looked like tiger we were on to different sides of the desk. it came closer i was shivering. it leapt up on the desk it was a cat. I went out side and i could see my house. by mal

  10. We were travling to a dark spooky house we were a little bit scared about it but we wanted to go really badly ben frezed and I stoped we heared a loud,spoky sary horrible gost noise I said freakly "We shoud of stayed home! When we got there I was petrified I did not want to go in the frealy looking house I was petrified

  11. There was a girl called Lucy.She could not sleep so she went in the garden and then all of a sudden she saw a portal and then she went in all of sudden she saw to be continued .........

    1. Well done for completing your blogging this week, Esra.
      Please try to make it a little longer next time as we are aiming for a story to happen.

  12. Once in autumn days, me and my friend John and my pet dog Bob were walking through the forest. While walking, Bob ran away and crossed the bridge and disappeared. We looked around for him but couldn't find him. I got worried but John said , " Don't worry , we will try to find Bob. " He suggested to cross the bridge and we will search Bob there. So we crossed the bridge, in the silvery moonlight we can see an old house while walking toward the house we could smell its musty smell. After walking a while the mouldy, rotting, brown house stood in front of us, only fear keeping our feet planted to the ground. The grass was damp from the evening fog and every time we took a step the mud squelched. We walked towards the door and reached at the door. The door was slightly off colour from the rest of the house, loomed over us like a giant as we reached for the brass door handle.
    John hold the handle and tried to open the door. After a bit try it opened with a big creaking noise. We entered a big room and we could see some candle lit up. In the candlelight we could see the wall of the room were eaten up by moulds. The furniture was very old and dusty. There was a wall clock on the wall but it was not working. I was so scared. I called Bob but I couldn't heard anything. Now John was also looking scared. we decided to go out . we ran from the house as fast as we could. After crossing the bridge we stopped and took a deep breath. I heard familiar noise like someone coming toward me I turned around and what a wonder Bob was coming toward me. We were so happy and ran back home.
    From Soham

    1. Fantastic story. Now we need to show this effort in our classwork!

  13. It was a sunny day.Me,Keanu and my mum decided to go to a beautiful park.We brought a big ball to play.My cute brother brought also his yellow bike.Keanu likes playing in the slides.I always play basketball.We enjoyed a lot that we didn't notice the time.I saw Keanu still playing but I can't see my mum.I started to panic.I took my little brother with me and started to look where is my mum was.No one else was at the park.Then the big rain drops poured.We are all wet.It started to become dark.We wanted to go home but I can't see the way back home.I am so scared.My little brother started to cry.We lost our way home.I saw huge wolf and enormous monster.We keep on running and running even though my little brother is so slow in running.I feel scared and lost.Good thing its just a dream or let say a nightmare.Thank God!


  14. I was getting ready to go on a school trip to learn about what lives in the forest. Our class went on a coach to the forest. When we arrived it was pretty dark and lots of trees above us. The class split into three groups namely Red, Orange & Green. The Red group was suppose to write three facts about the animals that they see. The Orange group was suppose to write about the trees and what animals live in trees. The Green group was suppose to write about the insects.
    I was in the Green group and we found lots of insects scurrying around leaves and we found a blue beetle. Then I heard a screeching noise and I saw a colourful parrot far away and I wanted to see it closer. So moved close to it and noticed that it was injured. So I picked it up and put a plaster on it injury from my kit bag. When I turned around my group was gone. I tried to find my way then I found an old hanging bridge and I crossed it then I found a house. I tried to cross the bridge, it was dark, damp, and I saw felt like big shadows approaching me. I was terrified. I ran as quickly as possible and crossed the bridge and I banged on the doors and shouted open the doors. The doors were opened but no one was there. I went inside and locked the door. I was very cold and I saw a fireplace and sat in front of it to warm myself. I was so tired that I slept there itself with the parrot.
    Meanwhile, my friends started searching for me and then they found me sleeping in the house and woke me up. I was very happy and relieved to see them. Then I explained how I lost my way trying to catch the parrot. It was one adventurous and scary journey.

    - Kaushal

    1. Short sentence and good choice of time adverbials such as meanwhile.

  15. One rainy day,I was in my house listening to the radio.My mum always listens to the regional station radio.I heard that there was an abandent house.It was very interesting news for me because I love exploring new places.I asked my mum if I could go to the park.She said "Yes,fine however not for long".I went to the abandent house even though my mum did not know it.So I set of.After about ten minutes fast walking I got to my destination.The sun was setting down over the horrison. Suddenly,I heard a chirping noise,I was petrified and I decided to go there.The stairs were old and with every my next step they creaked loudly.A minute later I got to the attic and there was a man with an exotic parot...
    The next day I was in big trouble.

    By IGOR

    1. Some speech and a lovely use of the word horizon!


    Last month, me, my sister Ikshana and my parents went for an adventure holiday in a small jungle and stayed in a small beautiful cottage. That evening it was very stormy and windy. When me and my sister were playing in a room, suddenly a very bright lightning flashed on us through a window, so I went near the window check what it was. It was a big thunder bolt. I called my sister “Ikshana, have a look outside, I can see some light coming through a house through the big tree trunks on the other side of the bridge”. Ikshana watched through the window and she was so thrilled and said “let’s go outside and check it out”. We went to my mum and asked if we can go there to play, so my mum agreed and said to wear your warm clothes and go. We wore our warm clothes and ran outside to explore.
    We went outside, it was a bit foggy evening, it was so calm outside, and we saw the very old narrow bridge which was very wet. Suddenly we started hearing all sorts of strange voices from around and we both got so scared. We held both our hands tight and stepped on the bridge, suddenly we heard some squeaky voice and as we got further down the bridge the squeaky voice went higher and higher. The bridge was so slippery that we could not even run. To our surprise, a fox quickly ran past us and we got more scared. My sister even screamed out loud and jumped after seeing the fox, I was scared too but by the time we realised we were almost more than half way through the bridge. We walked as quick as we could and crossed the bridge. On the other side of the bridge we could see a very old scary house and when we went near the house we could hear a big fat black cat mewed at us. We could hear the same squeaky voice gone louder and louder and as we went closer to the old house which scared us even more. When went very close to the house we could hear the sound coming from a gate opening and closing. We thought it was a ghost which was making the noise and tried to scare us, but when we saw the noise was coming from a gate we were so much surprised and became brave.
    When we were just thinking to go inside the old house and we heard the voice “kids, where are you? Where have you gone” shouting my mum. At that time we realised it was already very dark and we spent a lot of time crossing the bridge and watching the old house. We saw our cottage very far away, so we quickly ran back through the old narrow bridge we came from to our cottage as fast as we could.
    We both thought, Wow! What an adventure that was.


    1. Wow Ithisha! This has everything a mystery story should have. Now try to put this same effort into your classwork please!

  17. The strike before midnight I was laying in my bed. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I had no idea who it was so I looked down the window and I saw a girl. I was so curious that there was a girl coming to my house at midnight but there was now time to wait so I tiptoed down the stairs and I opened the door. I saw Ananay!!! "Ananay what are you doing here at midnight" I asked with a shocked face "time to have an adventure" she added with excitement. I packed my bag and we set off.

    We were walking down the icy road. Then we came to a dead end we looked up there we saw a broken house. “We should go” I complained but Ananay dragged me to the entrance we opened the door. Suddenly there was loud sound Ananay and I shut are ears. We opened the next door as soon as we came in we saw Itisha and Ayra holding microphone we laughed.

    By Methmi

  18. clear paragraphs and speech as well as a nice use of the verb tiptoed!

  19. My great-grandmother lived alone up in the mountains at her cabin. Her husband had died, so she was there all alone. She only had one companion, and that was her loving dog. T hey both loved each other very much and the dog loved her and comforted her. Every night when she went to bed, the dog would lick her hand to let her know that he was there to protect her.

    One night, she had gone to bed and the dog had licked her hand like he had done routinely every night since her husband died. But this night was different. She had woken up in the middle of the night because she heard her dog whimpering. She wanted to comfort him and let her know she was there for him, so she stuck her hand out by the bed and she felt the dog gently lick her hand like always. She figured he was just cold so she went back to sleep.

    The dog's whimpering had woken her up a second time in the night so she stuck her hand out, the dog licked it and she went back to sleep. This happened a third time, and she stuck her hand out and the dog stopped whimpering and came and licked her hand. She stayed awake a few moments afterward and the dog had stopped whimpering. She went back to sleep again.

    In the morning, she woke up and stuck her hand out by the bed, but nothing licked her hand. She thought that the dog had already awaken and was just in the front room. She rolled over and got out of bed and heard a drip......drip.....drip.....drip, so she walked into the kitchen and turned the handles on the sink faucet, but it wasn't dripping.

    She continued into her bathroom to take a shower. As she walked in, the drips got louder! She turned and looked above the bathtub and SCREAMED! There, hanging from the light by his tail, was her loving companion, with his blood dripping into the bathtub. She screamed and began to cry. Wiping her eyes and sobbing, she turned around and looked at the mirror. In the mirror she saw the dog hanging and written on the mirror with a finger, in her dog's blood with drips and streaks hanging down from each letter, were the words... HUMAN'S CAN LICK TOO!
    By Mushtaq

  20. It was a cold misty night. I was cycling home from a friend's house when the brakes on my bicycle failed. I had no option but to abandon the bike. I chained it to a lamp post and would come back for it in the morning. I walked along the narrow footpath, whistling to tunes playing on my iPod. My breath made patterns which floated away and faded in to the cold atmosphere. The bright lights, radiating from vehicles passing by, were blinding. I decided to take the short route home and followed the path in to the woods. I paused the music and pulled off my ear phones.

    The wood was damp and smelt musty. It was silent and chilling. The only sound I could hear were the rotten leaves squelching beneath my trainers. I kept looking back to see if I was being followed. I could feel the presence of something lurking around and was becoming paranoid. The dying trees towered over me and formed a dark ghostly silhouette. I increased my pace and from a distance could see light. I hurried along and came across a wooden path. I cautiously trudged along the path and headed towards the lit house, to ask for directions home. I nervously knocked on the door and waited a few minutes but no one answered. I peered through the dusty window, brushing off a thick layer of cobwebs, but couldn't see anyone. I continued to follow the path round and eventually faced the main road. PHEW! I was so relieved. This was the most terrifying experience I ever had.

