Friday 11 March 2016

Blogging Task due Friday 18th March 2016

Finish the Story

"Charlie, get up! It's time for school," shouted his mother from the landing. Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different. Today was going to be amazing..... (100 words)

Also,sorry I could not be in today but this homework should be fairly straight forward to understand what to do! - Mr Goddard


  1. After a while a new school girl arrived.Then my friends went to her.When I was staring at her a boy pushed me and I fell then they were lauging at me. I felt sad.

  2. An amazing day:

    "Charlie, get up! It's time for school," shouted his mother from the landing. Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different. Today was going to be amazing because he was going to a school trip out of London with his class.He sleepily clambered out of the bed to finish his morning chores.A little while later,after he had finished his breakfast he started to pack his bag.He placed bandages (in case he got hurt),a spare pack of shoes and his lunch (Cheese and ham sandwiches with juice and chocolate).

    As he stepped up on the steps of the coach he felt excitement fizzling in him.They were going to a museum in Slough.As the coach started,Charlie began to think about the museum. Would there be ancient history and artifacts? Soon,they arrived at the museum. It was buzzing with activity as the class stepped in. They explored the space theme, the dinosaur time,Iron age,Bronze age,Stone age and the Big Bang theory.Just as,they were going to see how jewelry made Charlie thought that he was going to sit down for a moment.Just as, he sat down his eyes closed. A minute later,he opened his eyes and found Dinosaurs sniffing the books,space men ,people from the Iron Age,Bronze Age and Stone Age.He rubbed his eyes in disbelief.The dinosaurs were ripping the schedule sheets,Space men bumping their heads sending the fan spinning and the rest of the people banging with their tools. Suddenly,someone tapped his shoulder. Startled,he opened his eyes. “What an awesome day!”he said as he entered the coach.


  3. Charlie get up it's time for school,"shouted his mother from the landing.Usually he'd just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different.He got up and got changed.After that he went to the living room to have his beakfast.He ate quickly to.There was something strange about him today.He put his shoes on and waited for his mum.He was even faster than his mum.They went downstairs Charlie was silent.he norrmally ran to play with the boys in his class but today he stood with his mum.When it was time to go in he said"goodbye" and went in From Ashlyn

  4. "Charlie, get up! It's time for school," shouted his mother from the landing. Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different. Today was going to be amazing because it was the day of his classes school trip. So he got up. Then he ran downstairs to get his coat and bag on. After that Charlie made his way to school . He was on the coach traveling to his favorite beach in Blackpool. They were just parking . Charlie took his shoes off imagining the soft warm sand in-between his toes. He really wanted to get outside so he tried to push himself towards the front of the line. First they did donkey riding Charlie got to ride the biggest donkey. Then they went onto the carousel.

    By Eva

  5. Carlie was exited because he was going to school but not a ordinary day of school. It was science week and Charlie loved science week. Charlie was making a volcano on the last few days with his big sister. While he was taking it to school he saw his friends with there projects.
    When they were lining up for there class. Some of his friends were
    wearing doctor and siantests costumes. evry body was lining up for testing there projects. First Charlie was using his dye and his barybanate of soda. While he mixed it into the volcano it erupted.

  6. "Charlie,get up!It's time for school",shouted his mother from the landing.Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different.Today was going to be he get up and started to dress up.He puts on his uniform.Then he eats his breakfast and after he goes to the bathroom and brush his teeth.He prepares also his swimming kit and water bottle.He is ready.It's time to go to school.He puts his coat and take s his bag.When he is at school,he starts to remember his swimming kit.He forgot his swimming bag.Now he doesn't know what to do.So he told his teacher that he forgot his swimming kit.Today should be amazing day and why he forgot his swimming kit.His teacher called his mum and ask if she could bring in school the swimming bag.Good thing their house is near the school.So his mum make it on time to bring the swimming kit.Thank God!At the end it's an amazing day.Charlie had his swimming lesson and had enjoyed the day with his classmates.


  7. "Charlie, get up! It's time for school," shouted his mother from the landing. Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different.
    Charlie raced down stairs from his bedroom, his sister Teena raced before him.
    It was Charlie’s birthday today. He was super exited. “It`s my birthday today!!!” yelled Charlie. Charlie thought why was nobody responded back. Charlie felt worried what will happen. He looked at Teena suspiciously, Teena quickly turned her back at him.
    Mum ignored them both, dad came into the kitchen “why are you still in your pyjama’s” said dad. They raced to school as quickly as they could.
    After school Charlie walked home thinking what will happen when he reaches there. When he opened the door “happy birthday!!!” shouted his family happily. Charlie never got sad again.
    By Methmi

  8. An amazing day:

    "Charlie, get up! It's time for school," shouted his mother from the landing. Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different.
    Charlie raced down stairs from his bedroom, his little brother, Peter raced after him. Charlie was going on holidays to America. He was so content. "It's holiday time!!!" bellowed Charlie. He looked around and not a single sound was heard. He stared at Peter suspiciously and noticed that there was something going wrong.

    The next day, Mum was getting ready to go on the aeroplane. She gave Peter and Charlie their tickets. He put his tickit in his back pocket. "Come on chrildren, on the plane!"yelled Mum.
    "OK Mum"said both of them at the same time.
    "Oh no!" "Oh no!" "Oh no!" shouted everybody.
    "We'll need to go back home" ordered Mum.

    When Charlie got home, he was very upset and disappointed of him self.
    "I FOUND MY TICKET!!!!!" Charlie was super over the moon.
    Charlie never got sad again

    By Elena

  9. "Charlie, get up! it's time for school," shouted his mother from the landing. Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different. Today was going to be amazing. Charlie was in year six and it was his last day at Oak Primary School. For the last several years Charlie had been bullied by Billy Buckle, he was the meanest boy in the whole school. Whenever Charlie saw Billy he would dodge him but today was going to be amazing, Charlie was going to be mischievous and play pranks on Billy. Charlie had planned the practical jokes all week with his best friend Harry.

    Charlie leapt out of bed and changed into his school uniform. "Max, get out of the bathroom!" Charlie yelled at his big bother. Max was a teenager and spent hours in the bathroom, styling his hair, picking his spots, flexing his muscles and making silly faces in the mirror. "Stop banging on the door, Charlie. I'm out," Max snapped, as he opened the door.

    Charlie and Harry entered the classroom. Billy was about to sit down and Charlie quickly put slime on Billy's chair. "Yuk! who did this?" Billy yelled as he stood back up.
    "Billy go and wash it off and come back quick," instructed the teacher, Mr Greenhouse.

    It was year six leaver's assembly. As Billy sat down Harry stuck a post it note on his back which read "I'M STUPID." Everyone was laughing. Mr Greenhouse removed the note. Billy was mad.

    At lunch time, Charlie sat opposite Billy. He leaned down, pretending to tie up his shoe lace, and placed a stink bomb next to Billy's feet hoping he would step on it. A few seconds later the smell of rotten eggs filled the dinner hall. Billy's let one off," laughed a group of boys.

    It was home time, Charlie and Harry waited for Billy near the school gates. As Billy approached them, Charlie sprayed cream and Harry threw flour all over Billy and raced off home. "I'll get you back for this," yelled Billy, clenching his fists.
    "No you won't, we'll not be seeing you ever again," shouted Charlie, giving Harry a high five.


  10. "Charlie, get up! It's time for school," shouted his mother from the landing. Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different because it was his class trip and football today."YAYYYY!"Charlie shouted as he ran downstair. He was so happy and excited about the trip because it was a whole day trip from morning to home time.Charlie packed himself ready and went to school.when he reached there,his class teacher,Miss.Tracy put on the board and with a cartoon called Horrid Henry.Then she asked by first table to go to the toilet then the second one to go to the toilet and the third one and the fourth one.After those 4 table were gone, she said to put on the yellow jacket and a white wristband.Charlie was still very excited about the trip.When the coach came,Miss Tracy switched off the cartoon and told us to quickly choose their partner.Charlie chosen Solam(boy) to be his partner.After a while,we got in the coach and the coach started the engine and it went in the road when Miss Tracy sat down.After 2 hour,the coach stopped in a farm.We went to the hut and the people who work in a farm told us many question about Stone age and we had fun all day and then after the last game is finished,we went back to the coach and when we reach to school we got 20 minute before home time so we played heads down,thumbs up and after school is finished, Charlie went to get his stuff,got changed and went to football.After football,Charlie told his mom what happened in school.Charlie had a fun day. By Soham

  11. "Charlie, get up! It's time for school," shouted his mother from the landing. Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different. Today was going to be an amazing day because it was a school trip to West Wittering beach.Charlie mum was going with charlie as a volunteer.It was exciting and fun for him.He was helping his mum to pack his lunch which was rainbow chocolate ,carrots, cucumber and beans on toast.Then charlie and his mum went to school.It was bright and sunny day,and 10 min later they arrived to school. Charlie saw the coach approaching towards as they walked along the path and when they went to class nobody was there in the classroom nor the teacher.In a moment time
    the teacher came and she was so astonished that she gave charlie a big special sticker.
    Ithisha Boreddy

  12. Charlie get up charlie got up normally he would go back to sleep or roll over the bed but today he did not do that because his teacher gave him a homework that he really loved it he loved and do you think he did it? The awnser to that is no because he went to the amazing world of gumball thats a city in Hot dog world he loved it there he knows about the project because his frends told when he came back his teachers name was Mr Goddard! So he sor evryone else do there homework but he did no


  13. Charlie it's time for school shouted his mum from landing. Usually he would roll from his bed and go back to sleep. But this morning something amazing happen with him. He quickly got up from his bed. Brush his teeth,changed his uniform, had his breakfast and ready to go to school because it was a sport day. Charlie loves to take part in running,long jump arc. He knew that if he won he will fisrt prize.

  14. He jumped out of his bed because it was sports day. He drunk lucozade and ate a whole jar of peanut butter. He poped on his trainers. The hole reason he was so happy was because he was fastest person in his year. After that he went in the car to school. when he got there every one was happy. 2O minutes later they were ready to race. Ready to race the teacher said he.He blew
    the wisle and they all ran he came second he was seprised robby beet him

    by mal

  15. “Charlie, get up! It’s time for school,” shouted his mother from landing. Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different. Charlie woke up. He woke up very happily today as it was his first day of his secondary school. He rummaged through his cuboard and finally there found lying there on the floor was his uniform. Charlie got ready and walked down stairs for his breakfast. After a little while he had finished his breakfast it took him less than 1 minute to get ready and slip out of the door.

  16. Charlie "Get up!Its time to go to school". His mother shouted.Today he had an amazing dream,he was dreaming that he was in a magical,kind and lovely forest.Charlie mostly enjoyed rideing on the unicorns. There were unicorns,rabbits and other coudlly animals.But while he was enjoying his time there was another forest near by there was a forest witch was dark and spooky and whatever went in will never survive.Only one man lived there.He had a dark long suit.Soon Charlie was talking to a lepricorn and the lepricorn said "Can you defeate the old man,who lives in the dark and spooky forest your our only hope?" Charlie answered "Mmmm..... ok" .He set off, and there was the man Charlie tried to attack him but then that reminded him what his mother told him "Your dream- you control it", so Charlie said "You are a balloon" and off the old man went off to space and into the sun pop.Charlie woke up by the sound of his mum shouting.

    by Igor

  17. Today was going to be amazing day at my school because we have a science day . We make some experiment in the classroom .Then the last lesson we presented work for our parents and teachers. It is hard but fanny day for our class. It was a amazing day. Then I came back to home I am very tiered.
    By Bartek.

  18. "Charlie get up! It's time for school ," shouted his mother from the landing.Usually he would just roll over and go back to sleep but today was different.Today was going to be amazing because he was going on a school trip to butser farm.He quickly jumped out of the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready to school.Wile he was getting ready his mother prepared breakfast and packed his lunch box.He went to the school and climbed the coach which is ready to go with his class teacher.In the farm we been finding bones.Next we made some julary in the Iron Age village and are teacher name is miss Honey.After we washed are hands in the toilet and after lunch miss said that all my class mates and me can play on the grass to have a little run around.Then when we finish all the activities we went back to the coach and we drove back to school.


  19. We have read and discussed these in class today. Lots of excellent ideas for how to continue the story!
