Friday, 13 May 2016

Natural History Museum due Friday 20th May 2016

Natural History Museum

Well done, everyone! You were so sensible and well behaved on our trip to the Natural History Museum. I was incredibly proud of all of you.

I would also like to say another massive thank you to the parents that helped us throughout the day. You were so helpful, kind and patient. 

Your homework task is to write about your favourite part of the day and tell us why you liked that part the most. Try to give more than one reason!

I would also like you to think of any questions you might have about the workshop we took part in and we will try to explore some of the ideas further in our Science lessons next term.


  1. My favourite part of the trip was when we saw the humungus whale which really surprised me and made me gasp! I had never actually seen a real whale before so it was very cool and big! I also liked when we went to the investigation center because we explored new things which I had never seen before.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the investigation workshop!

  2. I like the creepy craly section because it had different objecs that I had never seen before and I also liked the insects in a plastic cube because I like insects anda man told fats to me and vibha and methmi . BY MISHCA

    1. The creepy crawley room was very exciting!

  3. The Investigation Room is my favourite because we have computer with camera and we can see it closely the object you want to see.Also,we have to study like real scientist.The Investigation Room have cool thing with the computers
    Q1.Who made magnet?
    Q2.What is compass made of?
    Q3.Why does little caterpillar turn into butterfly instead of becoming big caterpiller?
    Q4.What is magnet made of?
    From Soham

    1. I like that you've made some question like we did whilst we were there!

  4. My favorite part of the day at the museum was when we went to the creepy crawlies place. Firstly, there was the tunnel.Then, there was the food revolver that had dead bugs in the food . GROSS!!!!! The machine next to the food revolver let you buy what you wanted. SOMEONE bought a caterpillar cake!!!! Now this is my favorite bit. So, then Methmi said she wanted to show me something so l followed her. She took me to a table where there were bugs in cubes. The man over there made us sort the and it was so much fun! He told us facts and was kind and helpful! The day at the museum was all fun but, that was my favorite part of the day!!!😊

    By, Vibha

    1. A super recount of the horrible events in the crappy crawley room!

  5. To go to the trip we had to do fog .

    1. Why is my name is in the top?

  6. My favourite part of the museum was when we went to the laboratory because we had a fantastic chance of investigating
    secret sights like star fish and we had to find out its
    weight and draw a picture of it. I also liked to use the microscopes and magnifying glass so I could see the tiny details. Were the animals real?

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the investigation workshop!

    2. I liked the dinosaur that was long it eats leave it has point teeth By BARTEK

  7. I liked the moving dinosaur because it looked like a real one.2.I like the discover zone because it was daniel

  8. my favorite part of the school trip is when we saw the insects and the gigantic blue whale and the moving t-Rex because it tell you
    what it is about and how they lived and they tell lots of
    information and facts about history and the animal and i loved
    the part when we went in the investigate room because we got to
    be investigators and have fun.

    by talitha

  9. In the museum my favourite part was when I saw the masive whale and I also loved the investigate room. In addition there was a fierce white liger with no stripes showing me his sharp teeths!

    By Elena

  10. My Favorite part in the museum was when we did investigating in a room with a teacher because we get too take anything and we need to draw a picture of it and we need to write some questions on the bottom because the teacher asked to write if it can do things like can they sting or are they real or not.Also we needed to use a magnifying glass so we could see closer at the little animals.


  11. My favourite part of the day at the museum was the work shop in the afternoon after our lunch.
    I loved the work shop because everything inside was real except the skulls. The workshop was about science, history and animals. The workshop was in the National History Museum Education centre.
    I lady who was running the workshop gave us sheets to fill in the information regarding the different things from the tray.
    We used magnifying glasses, telescope, mini-projector, weighing scales, tape measuring and rulers.The reason I really like the work shop is because it was really scientific and had lots of artefacts.
    I learnt a lot about History, Science and especially Animals.
    It was the best school trip I ever had till now.

  12. my favourite part of the trip was the big whale because when we went to the room above the stairs case were the bench was it gave me a fright surprise moving about that gave me a fright of devour of it moving and its creepy eye and lastly it about to eat me like a dream Arya

  13. My favourite part of the trip was when the gaiarnormes dinosaur roaring at us like mad because it felt like a real dinosaur roaring. My second favourite is the laboratory because we were aloud to find out new things that we have never seen in our entire lives...

    By Methmi

  14. My favroutite part was when we went to the dinosor room because evryone was trying to hoefive him the extrodenery bit was when we got to do the investigating bit because we got to find out about rocks,stones and using manefind glasses
    1.Who made the national history musiam? do you make rocks?
    By Tommy

  15. My favourite part of the museum was when we were doing investigating in a room with a teacher.We get to take some things around the room and draw it on a peace of paper.And also we used a magnifying glass to see closer of the thing were using to draw it nicely.We are allowed to take a other thing around the classroom and draw that thing on a different paper.On the bottom of the paper we need to ask some questions about does it break or does it sting anything like that.

  16. My favourite part of the natural history museum was the aletric dinosaur. This is because it was the first thing i saw moving in the natural history museum and it scared alot of people.I also licked the aletric scorpion because it got me very interested .and my third most intrestin thing was the blue wale because it was huge and took up half of the room and it was a very big room
    how much does the whale weigh?
    was the star fish that i used real?
    by mal

  17. My favourite part of the museum was the creepy crawly room because it had the most interesting things.Inside a tunnel there were lots of holes which had information inside them and it was about a particular insect.I also enjoyed the giant scorpion that was roaring at us.The best bit was when we got to go inside the bug hut.I enjoyed looking through the magnifying glasses to see tiny textures of little mini-beasts that are really small and tiny to see so you need a magnifying glass to see them.In the bug hut i saw lots of buttons and when you press them a certain curtain opens to tell you about a certian insect or mini-beast that live or come inside houses.I also saw that if you keep your rubbish in the bin for too long you get house fly's in your bin.I also enjoyed the bit when the man was telling us about the different insects that live in different enviormnents to stay suitable like house fly get in your house unlike butterflys and bees don't live in house or inside.

    By Ashlyn

  18. My favorite part of the day at the museum was when we went to the creepy crawlies placeπŸ˜ƒ. The next thing was investigation workshop. Then we sore the T-Rex.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
    By Mushtaq

  19. My favorite specimen at the museum was the creepy crawly kitchen, I liked it even though it was gross with a capital G. I liked it because there were worms in the cheese, woodlice in the egg, there were just bugs every where. It was FREAKY! Another thing that I enjoyed was when we were sorting the bugs into groups like how many legs? Or has it got wings? This was fun because it got me thinking about the different types of insects.

    By Eva

  20. My favorite part is the Investigation Room.I was excited when a girl told us that we can be a scientist even for just a day.Igor,Harris and me chose a tray with rocks,stars and more.We started to draw the thing we are examining.I like the making of questions and finding the answer all by investigation.I really had fun.


  21. My favourite part of the of the trip was the electric dinosaur. It was really scary it almost looked as it was real! I also liked the workshop because we got to investigate rocks and many things.We also used microscopes,magnifine glasses and computers for a better perception. Most of all I liked the considerable scorpion clacking at you .Because it showed the different body parts behind a glass and if you Stare at if it looks as if it is coming for you.

    By Arnav

  22. I liked the diounsour room and the t-rex was roaring. The t-rex scared me I thought that the t-rex was real and it realy freaked my out.

  23. I liked it when we went to investigation room.I enjoyed it because their as reel microscops and technology for scientist.
    Q1:Who made magnet?
    Q2:What is a compost made out of?
    Q3:How was animals discovered?
    Q4:What is magnet made of?


  24. My whole experience at the Natural History Museum was fabulous and interesting. I particularly enjoyed the mechanical roaring T-rex, it was amazingly so realistic and the sound effects were super. The incredible fossils and lifelike models in the dinosaurs gallery taught me a lot about the prehistoric giants.

