Friday 22 January 2016

Blogging task due Friday 29th January

Stone Age Animals

Last term, we learnt to write non-chronological reports. We want to see what you can remember from this unit of writing.

Your task this week is to write a 150 word non-chronological report on a Stone Age animal of your choice.

Here are some websites to help you;


  1. The mamoth is a relative to the mourned elephant. Like many other ice age mamles the mamoth became exotict more than 11,000 years ago. The cave lion was an extremely huge predator, a kind of mix between lion and tiger. Mammoths and sabrer- toothed cats did live at the time as the stone age people and the cave bears . Like morden day big cats sabre- tooth tiger had a stong built body but stoker than modern day cats . Alesha

  2. Remains of mammoths have been found in Europe , Asia and both America.
    Three spieces of mamoths lived on mainland of the united States at the end of
    the last ice age . Mammoth lived up to 60 to 80 years . Mammoths ate leaves
    , bushus and willow fir .They ate about 700 pounds of grass and leaves each day. Alesha

  3. The saber-toothed tiger lived 1.6 million years ago it had long canines.It was 440 pounds and was about 3 feet tall.It was a bit smaller than the modern-day lions (panthera leo),but much heavier and had a short tail. Saber-toothed tigers lived in North and South America.It was found in the grasslands in shrubby areas.They were named after big skeletons. Researchers have wondered how the saber-toothed tiger used there canines to kill there prey.Its hunting strategy may have been to mortally wound its prey with its sharp teeth probably in the belly and let the victim to bleed. It became extint in the quanternary period which means the end of the dinosaur period.The major climate changes during that time probably led to their extinction. Saber-toothed tigers ate thick skinned food like mastodons.It also ate elephants,horses and bisons.It was probally the heaviest stone age cat.

  4. Saber Tooth Tiger

    Popular name for prehistoric member of the cat family (Felidae) that existed from the Oligocene period to the Pleistocene period.It had extremely long canine teeth adapted to killing large herbivores.
    It is a distant relative of modern cheetah,tiger and lion.It must have been quite funny to see a saber tooth tiger take a bite of its meal.It could opens its jaws at an angle of 120 degrees.These mammals were carnivorous and fed on prehistoric deer,horses,giant sloths,bison and buffaloes.
    Based on the fossils found in La Brea tar pits,paleontologist believe the saber tooth tiger was about a foot shorter than the modern lions,but was about twice as heavy as the lions.In addition,it is believed,front and hind legs were of similar lengths and had retractable claws.
    Unfortunately,the color of the saber tooth tiger is not known,but it is believed it must have been similar in color to modern day lions living in Africa.
    In modern geography, the saber tooth tiger thrived in North and South America.


    1. There are lots of pieces of information here. Next week please try to write some of the sentences in your own words.

  5. Like many other Ice Age mammals, the mammoth became extinct more than 11,000 years ago. Did you now that the size of a mammoth is 9-14 feet (3.5) meters at the shoulder. The mammoth is a relation ship to the elephants. In Hot Springs, South Dakota, where a dry sinkhole claimed the lives of mammoths and other Ice Age animals 26,000 years ago. Mammoth have been found in the mainland of the United States at the end of the last Ice Age. But some of the remains of mammoths have been found in Europe, Asia and North America.
    By Methmi

  6. The tusks of a wooly mammoth were up to 15 feet long. Males with longer, curvier more impressive tusks had the opportunity to mate with more females. The tusks may also have been used to fight off hungry saber-tooth tigers.

    Females averaged 2.6–2.9 metres in height and weighed up to 4 tonnes. Woolly mammoths would have eaten similar vegetation to modern-day elephants, browsing the forests for leaves, fruits, nuts, twigs and berries. Woolly mammoths are thought to have had quite a long lifespan, getting to an average of 70 years old.


    1. Lots of information but next week please try to put it in your own words!

  7. this is a tiger it lives in grass and nerbigh mountins I do not no what it name is so so I am going to gues it I think it is a stone age tiger

    Describe him or hert
    It is orange and white I think it is dangerous do you think it is dangeros? it comes from stone age time so it is born in stone henge do you agree? do you know when I ask you that question they are not dangerous alright this is my second paragragha

    this is a paragraha about there life
    this tiger has had a difficult life it smils a lot but he doesn't se peopal he likes be by is own I have a question do you think he can talk? the awnser is no he talks like all animals do did you enjoy I hope you enjoyed it

    by tommy

    1. Nicely written but please remember your capital letters, Tommy!

  8. Stone age creatures included huge animals wooly mammoths,saber-toothed cats including smilodon,lions mega bears caves bear and hyenas.These animals had been around since before the stone age and lived alongside stone age people when they came along.
    There were also lots of smaller animals including smaller mammals,
    birds and a variety of reptiles and insects.Lot's of sea-creatures
    But's it's the big land mammal's that are most associated with the
    stone age.
    Dead mammals being fought over by stone age lion wolves and a cave bear.
    from Aisha.

    1. I am very pleased with the amount of work, Aisha.

  9. I am describing a sabre-tooth tiger from the stone age.A sabre-tooth tiger is stripy,fluffy and warm but they are very agressive.It has short,clumsy legs.Its teeth are sharp,long and pointy.As well as it having long teeth it has short ears.That made the sabre-tooth tiger not hear very well.It lived in grassy hilled mountains.The sabre-tooth tiger has small,beady eyes.The big cats wiskers gave it better fealing sences as its eyes where'nt easy too see through.Its face is enough big for it to hunt well.It had a medium sized tail that swung left and right. It had a very small,fat and triangular nose.The tigers pack hides when they hunt on the collosal wooly mammoth.The cat lives in a gloomy,dark and scary cave.The tiger hunted on mammoths,antilops,rhinos and prehistoric-horses.

    by Igor

    1. Lots of adjectives. Please remember to use a space in between sentences.

  10. The Saber-toothed tiger

    What it looks like?

    The Saber-toothed tiger is like a cheetah with long teeth as sharp as a knife, they can even be as long as seven inches. They had to hunt quite vigilantly as these teeth were fragile and could break easily.

    where did they live?

    Saber- toothed tigers used to live in open airs around the world. They also lived in areas like grasslands to catch their prey. But there were some that lived in the Ice lands during the Ice Age. Saber tigers had come extinct around 10,000 B.C.

    By Elena

  11. The saber tooth tiger lived about 1.6 million years ago.
    Saber tooth tigers have very fragile and razor sharp teeth. Their teeth can also brake very easily like glass. They are very strong and have soft golden fur all over their bodies.from kavn. Saber tooth tigers are from the cat family they are a big cat.They usually like to eat lots of fleshy tasty meat from huge animals like mammoths and also little animals like rabbits and squirrels. Saber tooth tigers do not live for that long they usually live for twenty four years. Saber tooth tigers are very playful.They like playing tag with the members of their family. They love to play in the mud and ice and also like catching and chewing on bones a lot.

    1. Some very interesting facts about the Saber Tooth Tiger!

  12. The cave lion was an extremely huge predator,a kind of mix between a lion and tiger.Far larger than any of Today's cat family,this beast appeared to prey on horse,boar,and deer.
    The cave hyena preyed on bison,woolly mammoth,and woolly rhino.The horse,Equus sp.Of the stone age looked very different.
    Woolly mammoth is a large elephant like animal that was much bigger than a modern elephant.It had curved tusks and was one of the most feared animal during stone age. The tusks help researcher to identify the age of the animal at the time of death.Just like a tree ,a cross section of a tusk reveal growth ring that reveal an animal's age.Mammoths were herbivores.They ate leaves,bushes and willow.They ate about 700 pounds of grass,leaves each day.They waited about 6-Tons.Their life span was up to between 60 and 80 years.
    The word mammoth comes from 2 words from the Estonian language ''maa''means earth and ''mutt''means mole.Estonian is a country near Russia where farmer found gigantic bones in there fields.thought that the bones belonged to huge burrowing animal.Mammoths died and were trapped in ice which preserved them.Some parts of the world are still cold and still hold preserved mammoths.
    by Soham

  13. A mammoth is like a elephant but it has long hons on it. it has no tail.They even sound like an elephant.they were even known for being pets in the stone age even if the were biger than a giant.they keept them in the front of their trhe morning their owner has to cach them.

  14. The cave bear was a species of bear that lived 24,000 years ago in europe.It was called cave bear since they lived in caves.The cave bear had a very broad,domed skull with a steep forehead.It stout body had long thighs.The weight of cave bear was 400 to 500 kilograms.Cave bear grew larger when covered with ice and smaller when it was sunny.There teeth were very large.the cave bear eats plants,seeds and tubers.The cave bears scientific name is spelaeus.
    During world war 1 a large number of cave bear bones were used as a source of phosphates,leaving behind little more than skulls and leg bones.Many caves in central europe have skeletons of cave bears inside.Cave bear teeth were much longer than polar bear species.The cave bear inhabited low mountainous areas,especially in region rich in limestone caves.They avoided open plains or forest-edged terrains.There are many cave paintings about the cave bears in some parts of europe.These cave paintings indicate that people performed rituals to the cave bears.

    By ADITI

  15. Ithisha
    Stone Age Animal

    The Mammoth is a relative to the modern elephants. Like many other Ice age mammals the mammoth had been extinct 11,000 years ago.Elephants are the largest living mammals.
    They have been more than 500 different kinds of elephants on earth
    at different times of the last 55 million years.Only the African and Asian(Indian) elephant remain alive today.

    Where were they:
    Remains of mammoths have been found in Europe,Asia and North America. Three species of mammoths (genus Mammuthus) lived on the mainland of the United States at the end of the last Ice Age. These were the Columbian mammoth, Jefferson's mammoth and the woolly mammoth.
    Brief details:
    The mammoths size was 9-14 feet (3.5) meters at the shoulder.Its teeth was special with ridges, grew 5 or 6 sets in their life, had no enamel, added a growth ring every year.Their life span was up to between 60 and 80 years.The age of the mammoths are identified by their tusks.Female tusks grew to 5-6 feet, male tusks grew to 8 or 9 feet. Just like a tree, a cross section of a tusk reveals growth rings that reveal an animal's age.

    By Ithisha.

  16. How do we know about the mammoths?
    We know about many animals that lived in the past from fossil remains. But with woolly mammoths, whole animals have been found. During the Ice Age, mammoths died and were trapped in ice which preserved them. Some parts of the world are still cold, and still hold the preserved mammoths. By Mushtaq

  17. A sabre-toothed tiger

    Sabre-toothed tiger is any member of various extinct
    groups of predatory mammals that were long,curved
    sabre-shaped caine teeth.Extended from the mouth even when it
    was was closed.the sabre toothed tigger died after 42 million years!BY ITQUAN

  18. Stone Age creatures are woolly mammoths, saber toothed tiger, lions, mega bears and hyenas. There were also lots of other sea creatures and lots of birds and creatures that could fly. All the cave paintings help to prove the evidence of these ancient living beings. Stone age animals were very clever because they could always snif food that they were searching for. Stone age animals found there food by there sences. Like if they could hear there pray or if they could see there pray. Stone age animals lived in caves or got long pieces of stick and atached them to form a house. They are always out and about running or searching for food . A woolly mammoth was rouphly the same size as a africian elephant. The ears of a woolly mammoths are smaller then the ears of a modern elephant. Woolly mammoths are not the only type of woolly animals.
    By Ananya

  19. A really well written and researched piece, Ananya!
