Friday 15 January 2016

Blogging Task due Friday 22nd January!

We Are Pirates!
This week we have been enjoying Maths week in school. Our theme was pirates so every lesson this week has had a link to both maths and pirates! We completed lots of swashbuckling activities, including making treasure maps and designing pirate ships.

Your task this week has been set by Pirate Pete....

Aye, aye me hearties. I have one last task for all you scurvy dogs. We have just docked on a new treasure island. I want you to write a description of the island, using as many interesting adjectives, similes and verbs as you can. Anyone that forgets their capital letters and full stops will be forced to walk the plank! Arghhhhh!


  1. The island looks very tropical also the sea looks very swashbuckling . I can notice there are lots of tall tropical palm trees with coconuts shaped like rugby balls. There is lots of blue sunny sky with fluffy clouds like speech bubbles. The pirate ship looks very old and rusty. The island looks like a deserted paradise. I can see there are mountains in the distance which could be volcanoes ready to erupt. From Kavin

  2. The Island looks as if there are lots of booby traps to find the secret, magical something. The palm trees look as tall as elephants with coconuts hanging. The sea is as blue and shiny as bubbles. The ship seems like if it is 1000 years old because it looks very crusty with the windows.

    By Elena

  3. It is a beautiful tropical island.It has beaches cover with soft golden sand.It has many beautiful waterfalls are like a sight of the paradise.The island is coverd with palm trees and coconut trees that drops coconuts on the sand with a thump.You can hear song of a bird from the trees above you.The pathway of grass like a green rug stretches in front of you and many colourful butterfly are flattering around you.Next you can see dense,dark forest with lots of animal and you can hear roars of tiger as loud as cracking fire.
    From Soham

  4. the island looks beautifyul who ever lives there must be rich I think the palm trees looks fantactic did you know that it looks like a pirite ship? it is surround by whater I think it is the pacifet ocen

    by tommy

  5. The island has many big trees.It is a tropical rainforest.The palm trees are as tall as a girrafes.the trees are cramed and squashed.Insects crawl on the floor so watch your step.The coconuts are shaped like circles.The volcanoes are about to erupt in the distance.There is a booby trap so you can,t get the treasure.

  6. 1000 Years ago a pirate sailed across the Island.The island looks more beautifull as a ocean.It smells like hot steam the waterfalls.splished and splashed like a swimming pool. The ships windows are craked with icy glass. And the flag was ripped with tiny
    little holes.And the stirring weel was brokend with little bits of pieces.The boat
    cracked and made a very big
    hole and also it is very rusty to sea.and the coconut was more tasty and yummy.

  7. It looks like a tropical island with palm trees around.It looks like a fantastic place for pirates to sail across the sea. the ship looks very old made out of wood and it is a Victorian sail ship with pirate flags (Skull and bones) flying on the mast.The ship seems to have be Arya

  8. It is a tropical island.It is like a fairy tale garden.There are many different kinds of beautiful flowers.There are many exotic trees and tropical plants.The water is warm and transparent.The sand is soft golden coloured.The sky is blue.You can feel the sweet moist air.The sweet birds singing.The place is marvelous and relaxing.Indeed,a beautiful and magnificent island.


  9. The beautiful tropical island is as beautiful as a lovely sunset on the beach. The stunning island has a fantastic treasure trove of palm trees, coconut trees, banana trees and mango groves. There are so many wonderful animals to see from butterfly's flying gracefully to cheeky monkeys swinging from tree to tree. Alesha

  10. This island is a sunny tropical island. Trees are growing green and fresh. The ship is rusty and old like my grandma. The toucan's big, bright, beautiful, bold beak is gleaming in the sun whilst she is flying high up in the sky. The sand is glowing gold and yellow, really warm, soft in your toes. Monkeys are swinging rope to rope madly around. The sea is calm and a sparkling blue. It seems like the paradise anyone could dream about!
    By Eva

  11. It is a tropical island with lots of palm trees.There is an old and rusty pirate ship which is not used since many years.The window glasses are broken and also the doors are crashed.The palm trees have many coconuts hanging on them.There is also many banana trees on the island.The water is shimmering with the rays of the sun.The sky looks blue in color.Far away there are mountains that are covered with snow FROM ADITI

  12. it looks like it could be a place where people go to spend their vacation. Also it looks like there could be a huge waterfall in there because it looks like a bright sunny island. The ship looks as big as a blue whale. I think it would be lots of fun to go there. by Mal

  13. The island is a verry peacfull and relaxing place.Its a verry sunny and windy place.The wind sweeps the palm trees left to right.All though the weather is wild there are realy cute animals like danceing grass hopers and the parots which have all the colors of the rainbow.Though there are peacfull animals there are also agresive animals like hippos and lions and the pirate ship has crashed on the island and is realy rusty.
    by Igor

  14. "Aye, aye Captain", I said excitedly as I stepped out from the wooden boat. I was so eager to explore this picturesque island. The scenery was spectacular and breathtaking. My feet planted itself in the grains of the golden sand. It was warm and soothing. A blanket of lush greenery spread out all around the island, embedded with vibrant tropical flowers and exotic trees bearing fresh fruit. I could hear the sound of chirping birds and the smell of sweet moist air led me further into the island. Towering mountains surrounded me and in the distance I could see a majestic waterfall. The translucent turquoise sea shimmered and the palm trees swayed as the waves rolled by the sea shore. This island was certainly a treasure island because of its unspoilt natural beauty.


  15. As I got out of the boat, it smelt of fresh air. Where I was standing, sand was surrounding me and tickling me like it was climbing up my legs. I was so hungry I felt like eating pizza! I could feel the wind flowing across the soft fresh air. I could hear the gentle birds chirping around my ear. I could see some crabs pinching the sand. Suddenly when I looked, a large whale was behind and made a big splash luckily I didn’t get splashed! I turned around the treasure island, there was no sign of any human being, a shop, a car or even my school, which meant I didn’t have to get up early but also that meant I wouldn’t be able to see my friends! By Ananya

  16. There are sixty five palm trees in the middle of the huge island and around it, there is a lot of sand. On top of the palm trees are lots of coca nuts, about three or four. The shallow maroon waves washed up on the island. I named it smooth island because the sand was so soft it was like a bed for me and there were no rocks at all. The sun was as yellow as an egg yolk and it was shining brightly with burning heat.
    By Methmi

  17. In the Island, there were lots of palm trees and big juicy coconuts hanging. The shiny, glimpsing water was bright and it appears like diamonds. There is wrecked pirate in the island and its sail was torn and it looks like a lion. The sand is as hot as chimney. The tree's stem is as long as giraffe's neck. Dolphins were jumping. Shells were buried in the deep sand. The island has a coffer that was hidden by some pirates which is full of treasure.

