Friday 24 June 2016

Make your own story - Due Friday 1st July 2016

Make your own story for this picture.

Use this picture to help you write your own story. You should spend 20 minutes on it.

  • Who lives here?
  • Why do they live here?
  • What is special about their life?
  • What might happen to them?


  1. One stormy night in the merry mansion two people went in
    and it was haunted by ghosts. These two children did not know that so they went in. They were playing hide and seek but one the ghost took a child and the other one tried to but then that boy started to live there because he couldn't
    go to his home and come back. the other child who was kidnapped started to fined his way back to the house. The boy who started living there started to get scared because he new the that there were ghosts so he packed away and went somewhere else. They both have each other.

  2. once upon a time there lived a girl called Ema . She used to live in a village but then some solders took her to this tower. After many years Ema finished making a fantastic boat. then one day she got in here boat and was trying to find a village. But could not find one at all. The special thing about her life is she is a clever and creative girl. Would like to like in the tall tower? BY MISHCA

  3. Once there was a prince called Hapugoda.He live in Italy.One day he was walking through the wood. After walking, he saw a big lake.what wonder he saw a tall rock in between the lake and when he looked carefully at the rock, he saw a big house on the top of the rock.He was so curious about the house on the rock.So, he decided to go there and find what's inside that house.So, he searched around the lake.He found a tiny boat and managed to reach the house and saw a ladder which is taking him to the house.He went in the door but saw nothing but only a staircase.So he went up the stair and found a splendid garden with the house in front of him.So, he went in the house and found a cat. He picked it up and looked in its eyes.As soon as he done this, the cat started to change into a princess. Hapugoda quickly released her in the floor."oh thank you! the witch cast me a spell and said that anyone looked in my eye break the spell and you came!Thank you! " said the princess and Hapugoda took her in his castle and lived happily ever after

    from Soham

  4. This picture is an island with a beautiful house on top surrounding with water.

    On it a fisherman and his family living there.Because they can catch the fish easily and they don't have to travel from far away.

    Fisherman are very hard worker and they get up early in the morning to catch fish.Whenever they is storm their ship can sunk and they can die.

    By Mafalda

  5. This castle is called "Crazy castle". This is a fake photograph.It is real in some kind of place but just the island someone has made it fake by putting house on it so it looks like a castle.They used a app then they put it on images so people think it is true because nobody has seen it. in fact this is actually a photo of ''james bond island'' in khao phing kan,Thailand.The castle was placed by using photoshop.The castle is only a potion of lichtensteen castle (Germany) By Arya

  6. This picture is mainly based on the castle on a moutin with water sorrouning it. The person who lives here is a boy cauld austin and he lives with his family. He lves there because when he was a part of wwe he robbed but he got away and lived at the castle. The familly is rich thats why. The poilice will arest him
    By Tommy

  7. A mansion :

    Once, their lived a little girl called Charlotte. She and her family lived in a poor village. One day, her family thought that they should leave the village and search for a new place to live. That day they set off on a rowboat with only a few clothes because they were poor. That night, the boat lost control and in the morning the boat stopped by a mountain. But it wasn't any ordinary mountain. Their was a huge mansion on the top and a their was a door carved on the bottom of the mountain. Their was a ladder that reached the door. Charlotte and her family got off the boat and climbed the ladder up to the door and entered the door into the mountain. Surprisingly ,their was a staircase. They climbed up and up and up until they reached a another door.This time when they opened it they entered the mansion. Beautiful chandeliers hung from the ceiling, a box full of gold, creative wallpaper, huge rooms, an enormous garden, a swimming pool, luxurious spa and a big kitchen. They decided to live in the mansion. And that’s….
    The End !!!🙂

  8. It was a bright sunny day were a King and Queen were deciding where their precious baby would be born. They went to lots of different places but none of them were useful. What they did next was asking their parents! Although they were running out of time they had no place. What would they do tomorrow?

    Suddenly, in the morning they were both sleepy birds. Unfortunately they ended up in a particalar magical place!
    It was a tall castle on top of a huge pionty rock peeping out of the Ocean.
    ''It's wonderful I think we should call it something or if there's
    someone that lives there, we ask them!'' demanded the Queen excitedly
    ''Oh I do agree with you, certainly! answered the King

    So, they decided ecstaticly! they thought the name of the child could be Prince Pip. But the King and Queen didn't know that their were disease! What would happen next?

    By Elena

  9. Roseanna and the castle

    Once long ago, there grew steep strong mountains surrounded by ferocious waves. One top of the mountain there was a beautiful castle, inside the castle there was appealing princess who had being living in this castle since she was a petite girl .The little girl’s name was Roseanna, lived with a sweet and adorable kitten called Rosy. Now this is her story, once Roseanna’s mother and father were planning to go to an outing to the rivers but waves travelled into massive curls of water. Roseanna got pushed away on the boat but her parents floated away in the water. She was in the boat for a month and suddenly the shade in front of her eyes and she saw a mountain and on the top there was an old castle she clearly saw ladder and on that ladder there was a kitten named ‘Rosy’ Roseanna hoarded the sweet cat they two went inside. They lived together happily forever.

  10. Alesha
    one century ago3 brave brothers and sisters went into a house that was on a rock or a large peace of land they decided to live there because lots of people bullied them so if they lived there no one could bully them because they lived one hundred miles away the older sister was a bully herself the younger brother was a nurd and the baby sister was really cute there life was special because they appeared out of no were in a school and the baby sister was in the brothers school bag

  11. Centuries ago there was a castle in the middle of the ocean and there lived monsters, zombies, ghosts and mummies. There was a little girl named Zara who lived in Brighton and because she was adventurous one day she wanted to have an adventure so she got on a boat and sailed out to sea. Then she saw the castle and there was a ladder leading to a cliff, on the cliff there was a door. So, guess what she did? She went up the ladder and through the door! Then there was a staircase, she took a breath and went up the stairs. Those stairs led to another door, she knocked...then again... at that sudden moment she lost her patience. So, she decided to go in. "Hello!" she yelled at the top of her voice, there was no reply. She had a look around to see if anyone was there. She thought I'll try and find some people and if no-one is here I will go home. But suddenly she heard a couple of coughs and one sneeze and then she heard it again. So she made up her mind to follow the noise. Then she saw a white head popping up from behind a chair. She went over and saw that there was a mummy. As she was not afraid she said "hello" and as they got chatting all the monsters, vampires and ghosts came out from their own hiding places. After a few minutes it seemed like they were old friends. Zara saw them many times after that day. Who knows, she may still be visiting them.

    By Eva

  12. Once upon a time in a far far away island there was a man called Legend.He lived there far from people.His house cannot be reached by no one.Legend was a brave man.He killed monster and big animals.He likes to fight with dragons.He likes to protect those people in needs.He likes to help also the children.


  13. A little boy lives in the house with his parents and they are having a lovely time in there.They live there because they like to be on the top and get some air over them if they are hot and they think it is comfy to live in.Something is special and it is when the family doesn't, live on the ground with other people and they didn't want to stay on the rocky bit because it Herts there feet.What will happen to them is if they want to look at the view and they acsedently fell into the water and they didn't land on the boat they will drown.

  14. I live here i live here because i was very poor then i found this island and i came to live here and there was a boat that got me there whats spaicel thing is i never need pay things not even food water i hafe to still and the food i hunt fish the reason im not so safe is there mite be a wave that knock the rock down

    by mal

  15. A witch lives there because she is old and she is grumpy
    and ugly . She lives there by her self she has a pet cat that is black.

  16. Once upon a time there was a old tower and a wizzard lived in it. There was specjal book that can give him more land. one day threr was a sound of a gigantic crash it was an enormous rocket. there was a human they bacame a friends. The only issue was there was only see everywhere and they lived happily ever after.

  17. Augustus Archibald was the most bravest knight king Romulus had. He was fearless in battle and guarded the king and his castle with all his might and devotion. Augustus was loyal and generous and the king adored him. Augustus had served the king for the last twenty years. As a reward, for his dedication, king Romulus gifted Augustus a water castle, which he always dreamed of having. Augustus lived in this unique water castle with his family and enjoyed the views from the hilltop and was very thankful.


  18. The Haunted Castle
    Once upon a time, lived a young boy called Maxime. Maxime (or Max as everyone called him) was 12 and lived in a smart house in the village. In the village lived 3000 people but just outside the village, in a haunted castle, lived a witch. The witch didn't live alone - she lived with a mosquito who did everything the witch told it to do. The witch was very wicked and every night she sent the mosquito out to bite the people in the village. But one person in the village never felt the mosquito bite and that person was Max. The other people in the village asked Max to kill the mosquito, so one morning, making sure his Mum didn't see him, Max headed out of the village towards the haunted castle.

    On his way to the castle, Max met a dwarf whose leg was trapped under a rock. Max kicked the rock with all his strength and freed the dwarf's leg. The dwarf was so grateful that he decided to accompany Max to the castle to thank him for being so brave. Later in the evening, Max found the castle and hid inside for the night. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, he was woken by strange noises. Max crept out of bed to see where the noises were coming from ... and he saw the ghosts. He fled back to bed!

    The next morning when Max awoke, he found the witch and her mosquito. Max took a spear and killed the witch, then squashed the mosquito with a flyswatter. When he arrived back in the village, all the people in the village were so happy that they crowned Max as the king of the village. Max married a village girl and they lived happily ever after with their many children.

    By Mushtaq

  19. There was once a castle that was built on the top of a cliff people said that the castle was haunted. Once some villages tried to look for it but somehow they got in the third floor corridor and they never ever came back...

  20. Legend has it there once lived a princess , in a castle. On day a prince came he sailed day and night to see the princess. The price went up the castle and the princess and the prince lived happily ever after.

  21. Once there lived a wicked which in the middle of the Atlantic ocean on a rock she was full of peace everyday she ate raw fish from the ocean and she was lonely.The Which was evil she liked wrestling when she was bored she was wrestling her pillows and she said"haya".

    by Haaris.

  22. There was once a castle that was built on top of a cliff. People said that the castle was haunted. Once some villages tried to look for it but somehow they got in the third floor corridor and they never came back...!
