This week we have been learning about the daily lives of the Romans.
In a few weeks, we will be learning about the different Roman gods and goddesses. Your task this week is to find information about one of the gods or goddesses and tell us about them.
In a few weeks, we will be learning about the different Roman gods and goddesses. Your task this week is to find information about one of the gods or goddesses and tell us about them.
- What were they the god of?
- What did they look like?
- Why were they important?
My god is Jupiter he is the god of lightning and the god of gods. His siblings are Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury and Juno. He had a lightning bolt in his hand and wore a tunic. Jupiter's parents were Cronus and Rea. He was very famous because he was the god of gods. He lived on mount Olympus along with all the other gods except his brother.
ReplyDeleteNeptune, the lord of the sea, was the brother of Jupiter. Neptune was very powerful. He was also quite moody. One minute he'd be sparking and sunny, and the next he would rage and crash about. People were terrifiedtheir home along the coast of Neptuneespecially the people who made their home along the mishca.
ReplyDeleteRoman god’s:
ReplyDeleteThe vast number of ancient Roman deities are known by name function. Jupiter is the mighty king of gods. He is the God of the sky,lighting,thunderstorms,weather and air. His sign is a lighting bolt and a eagle. His father was Saturn and he was the god of the generation,wealth and liberation. Saturn ruled over the Golden Age of peace. Saturn the planet and Saturday were named after the god Saturn. Jupiter was married to Juno. His siblings were Pluto and Neptune.His children were Mars, Hercules,Vulcan and Minerva. His Greek equivalent is Zeus and his Hinduism equivalent is Dyaus Pita. His sacred animal is a eagle.The two emblems were often combined to represent the god in the form of the eagle holding in it’s claws a thunderbolt frequently seen on Greek and Roman coin.🙂!
Zeus had the power to shoot lightning blots. He was the most powerful god ever. He had a horse called Pegasus witch could fly and carried his lightning bolts.
ReplyDeleteAphrodite was born in a very wierd place. She rised up in the middle of the sea on a big shell and she was already grown-up. She liked doves, sparrows, dolfins, and swans.
ReplyDeleteShe was the god of love and beauty but she liked making people fall in love. In addition she was very beautiful and kind.
She has long blond hair and a purple and pink sparckly dress. Her parents are Zeus and Dione. She was married to Hephaestus, the god of the forge, but not at all happily. She was really in love with Ares, the god of war.
By Elena
neptune looked scary in sea battles.He was god of water.he can controle water and create waves.he is in charge in sea animales. Every one wear scared of neptune. He was a strong god.
ReplyDeleteVesta was the goddess of the home.She was a sister of Jupiter.Her Greek name was hestia.She was a quite well behaved goddess,who didn't join in the arguments and fights of the gods.Shewas the protector of the sacred flame,which was supposed to have been brought from Troy to Rome by the hero aeneus.The flame was kept alive by the virgins.These priestesses were chosen when they were as young as six years old.They had to stay as priestesses for thirty years,and were not allowed to marry.In Roman homes,everyday,during a meal,a small cake was thrown on the fire for vesta.It was good luck if it burnt with a crackle.
Roman Goddess Venus
Venus is the Roman goddess of love, beauty and desire, she was meant ‘Charm’ and she was known for goddess of chastity in women. Venus was born of sea-foam which was essentially benign. Venus has become well known for Roman Mythology. Venus could give military victory, sexual success, good fortune and prosperity. Many devotes had statues and painting of Venus in their garden who believe that Venus helps the flowers grow and crops grow better. Venus father was Jupiter and was married to Vulcan who was a god of fire and forge. April is Venus secret month and was honoured in several festivals.
Planet Venus is named from the Roman goddess Venus. It is the hottest planet in our solar system and is second closest to Sun. Venus was associated with two flowers roses and myrtle. Victorious Romans often used to wear myrtle crown when they win a battle. There were several temples devoted to Venus; the first temple was built around 290BC. Famous Roman Emperor Hadrian rebuilt the Pantheon and constructed biggest Temple of Venus and Roma in Rome in 150AD.
I am going to talk about zeus because he is my favourite out of all and i most stuf about him. Zeus was the god of evrything. He never wered a shirt he brang a big gold stick to carry with him. Zeus was inportant because he owned the town. He was born in india
ReplyDeleteBy Tommy
ReplyDeleteNeptune was the god of freshwater and the sea in Roman religion.He is the counterpart of the Greek god Poseidon.
He was represented in art as a god of the sea,with black or dark hair wearing garments of an azure or sea green color seated in a large shell chariot drawn by whales,horses or sea horses.He has trident in his hand.
Neptune was very good looking.He had deep blue eyes and streaming green hair.He had quite temper and lots of energy.
Neptune delayed rhe return of Oddysseus from the Trojan war by causing his boat to be shipwrecked.
ReplyDeleteMinerva was Goddess of wisdom, sponsor of arts, trade and strategy. She was also Goddess of war. She is often depicted on soldier’s armour and was very much like the famous Greek Goddess Athena. Minerva was important because she invented spinning, weaving, numbers and musical instruments. She is usually depicted standing with attitude, composed but smiling, bearing a golden breast plate, helmet, armour and carrying a spear.
By Eva
Hera was a Roman god and a Greek god her Roman name was Juno and Greek Hera.
ReplyDeleteShe was the daughter of Titans, Cronus and Rhea. She married his brother Zeus and became the
Queen of the gods. She was well known for the protector of women. Hera was very powerful.
Juno is Roman equivalent to goddess Hera. She was particularly worshipped in Crete and samos.
Hera was a Roman god and a Greek god her Roman name was Juno and Greek Hera.
ReplyDeleteShe was the daughter of Titans, Cronus and Rhea. She married his brother Zeus and became the
Queen of the gods. She was well known for the protector of women. Hera was very powerful.
Juno is Roman equivalent to goddess Hera. She was particularly worshipped in Crete and samos.
zeus. zeus is the god of sky thunder and all other gods.His symbols are a thunder bult,eagle,bull,and oak. He looked strong and moody.Hes inportant because he is god of all the sky and he uses a thunder bult as a weapon.
ReplyDeleteby mal
ReplyDeleteThe Romans adopted much of Greek Mythology into their own. They took most all of the Greek gods, gave them Roman names, and then called them their own. Here are a few of major Roman gods that came from the Greeks: Jupiter - Came from the Greek god Zeus. Jupiter was the king of the gods and god of thunder and lighting. He was the Patron God of Rome. Juno - Juno was the equivalent of the Greek goddess Hera. Juno was Jupiter's wife and queen of the gods. Juno was considered the protector of Rome. Mars - Mars came from the Greek god Area. Mars was the god of war and Jupiter and Juno's son. Mercury - Mercury was the equivalent of the Greek god Hermes. He was the god of trade. Neptune - Neptune came from the Greek god Poseidon. He was the god of the sea and brother to Jupiter. He also was the patron of horses. Neptune's weapon was a great trident. Venus - Venus was the equivalent of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. She was the god of love and beauty. Apollo - Apollo was taken directly from Greek god Apollo. He was the god of music, poetry, and archery. His twin sister was Diana. Diana - Diana was taken from the Greek goddess Artemis. She was goddess of the hunt, archery, and animals. Her symbols included the moon, the snake, and the bow and arrow. Minerva - Minerva comes from the Greek goddess Athena. She was the goddess of wisdom. Ceres - Ceres was the equivalent of the Greek goddess Demeter. She was goddess of agriculture and the seasons. It's from the name Ceres that we get the name for cereal. Vulcan - Vulcan comes from the Greek god Hephaestus. He was the blacksmith for the rest of the gods and was god of fire. The word volcano comes from the name Vulcan. Bacchus - Bacchus comes from the Greek god Dionysus. He was god of wine and the theatre. He was the youngest of the major gods and the only one born to a mortal.
ReplyDeleteBy Mushtaq
Vulcan .He was the god of fire and he was brave and strong. He could control the fire and Vulcan. By Bartek.
ReplyDeleteReligion was an important part of Roman daily life. The Romans believed in many different gods and goddesses. If the gods were angry, terrible things could happen. To keep the gods happy, animals were sacrificed (killed) as offerings.
Romans sacrificed animals such as bulls, sheep and pigs.
PantheonPeople worshipped the gods in temples where they made sacrifices of animals and precious things. The Romans believed that blood sacrifices were the best way to communicate with the gods. Sheep were often sacrificed to Jupiter.
Sometimes a temple was built to only worship one of the gods. A temple to all gods was known as a pantheon. It was named after the word for the entire collection of thier gods called the Pantheon.
RomanA Family of Gods
The Romans thought that their gods were all part of a family and people told stories or myths about them.
The most important gods to the Romans were the Greek gods from Mount Olympus. The Greek gods were given Roman names, for example, Zeus became Jupiter.
RomanTheir gods included:
Statue of MarsJupiter
King of the Gods.
God of the sky
Weapon: Thunderbolt
(thunder and lightning).
Son of Uranus
Father of Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto
Husband of Juno, who looked after women.
Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto were the three sons of Saturn.
Jupiter is the god of lightning and the god of gods.His siblings are Satern,Uranus,neptune,pluto,mercury and juno.He has a lightning bolt in his hand and wheres a tunic. Jupiter lived on mount Olympus with some other gods except his brother.
ReplyDeleteby itquan
My roman goddess is Juno, and she is the queen of all gods and goddesses. She is the wife and sister of Jupiter the king of all gods and goddesses. Also she is the god of Marriage and Childbirth. Her children are: Mars, Vulcan and Minerva, her Greek equivalent is Hera. Juno`s father is Saturn and he is the god of time.
ReplyDeleteBy Methmi