Friday 9 October 2015

Blogging task due Friday 16th October 2015

This week we have been learning to write letters. We have also listened to some of Michael Rosen's poetry in which he gets into trouble for eating all the chocolate cake or breaking his watch.  You can watch this video here to help you. Your task is to combine both of these things...

Have you ever held a grudge against the brush that pulled your hair or the vacuum that sucked up your shoelaces? How did you feel when a pen leaked ink on your favourite shirt or the toaster burned yet another bagel?

Watch the video and think about a time when an object caused you a bit of distress, and write a letter to this object to express your disappointment.

For example:

Dear Pen,
I am so disappointed with you.
Today was school photograph day. I spent all morning fixing my hair and ironing my clothes. I scrubbed my face hard and even cleaned under my nails.
So, can you imagine my shock when I queued up to have my photograph taken and looked down at my shirt pocket? There it was. A big black smudge of ink in the middle of my shirt. How could you do this to me? You knew I needed to look my best! Now you've ruined the photograph that is going to sit on my mum's mantelpiece forever! My family and friends will be laughing at me for the rest of my life.
I hope you're happy with yourself.
Yours sincerely,


  1. Dear time
    I was late to school all because of you I fort you went backwards I was band from evrything I coudint play on any video games or my ipad and thans a lot time

    1. A nice idea about running out of time. Please remember to put your name and to always check some spellings before you publish.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear coat,
    I am not impressed with you at all.
    You now it was raining out there. The people in my table were laughing at me.
    All because of you. I had to miss nearly a howl lessen in science.
    You now how I feel you should off been kinder to me now my socks are all wet. I hope you are happy.
    By Methmi

    1. This made me laugh and I remember when this happened! Super!

  3. by accident I bit my tongue , I also fell of my bed when I was asleep and I banged my head on the radiator , When I was little I identically shaved my eyebrow , My uncle took my tooth out with string and pulled it out.

    1. It looks like a few bad things have happened to you. Next time, try to follow the example of the homework please.

  4. My felt tips ran out of ink , My brother bumped my tooth and some of it came out , I cut my finger , I went on holiday and I broke a plate , I talked crazy when I was little

  5. Dear book,
    I am so not happy with you.
    Today there is no school. I read you every day .But today I read you and the words were to difficult.There was nobody that I could ask to tell me how we say that word. So can you imagine my first shock when I sew though's word's!?

    By Elena

    1. Sometimes this happens when we read tricky books but it sounds like you stuck at it well!

  6. Dear time
    You woke me up
    I egnored you
    I went back to sleep
    A burgulur came and stole you
    And I lost you
    From tommy

    1. A really nicely presented idea, Tommy and well done for posting on the blog!

    2. Dear Toothpaste,

      I am extremely furious on you. You always were the best toothpaste. But yesterday you were the worst in the world. On that day I was running late so I dashed into the bathroom. I opened you, you blast out and you were all over on me, floor, walls, sink and in the tub. My mum came and cleaned the horibble mess. She reduced my Ipad playtime as she was cross on me. I hope you are happy.


  7. Dear Tanki on line
    Iceep losing my account!
    when i allmost had the perfect account i lost you
    i haven't played on you since
    yours sincerely

  8. Dear appetite

    remember that day when i was eating berries,
    I wanted more
    so i got more
    but there was about 15 left
    when I ate a lot of berries
    I did not have any more of your appatite
    I lost you

    By Igor

    1. You lost your appetite because you ate a lot I think. Well written!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Dear pen,

    Today you ran out of ink you knew i was going to have an important test.You could have told me you were going top run out of ink but i stayed there without one for so long.I am going to fail my test because of you.How could you do this to me.

    From Arya

  11. Dear Milk,
    I really don't know why I should always drink you.I drink you in the morning before I go to school.I drink you in the evening before I go to bed.I really dont understand why i should always drink you.My mother keeps on telling me,"Kristen,please finish your milk!It will help you to grow faster and more stronger."But everyday and every morning and everynight,I think it's too much.Can I skip drinking you once in a while.
    Respectfully yours,

  12. Dear Coat,

    I am very disappointed about you. You don’t let me put my zip up and you’re my favourite coat. I feel very cold in this coat especially in the winter because the zip always gets stuck and I am cold as ice you don’t let me to get warm in my coat. My mother planned to bin you because the zip is broken and we couldn’t fix it. But I told her you could never throw this coat away no matter what! It is and will always be my favourite coat.

    Your owner


    1. I have had this happen to me before. Super effort!

  13. Dear VICKS (VapoRub)

    I am so annoyed with you.

    Today I applied you all over my hair, thinking you were hair styling gel. My Mother was outraged when I went downstairs, I thought I looked quite cool. She marched me upstairs to the bathroom and unsuccessfully tried to wash you off, with shampoo, several times. You were so stubborn and stuck to my hair like glue. In the end Mummy gave up and took me to the hairdressers. This is where it all went wrong. Mum asked the hairdresser to give me a blade one. This was all your fault, if only you washed off. You caused me great embarrassment. For days I had to explain to everyone why my hair was so short.

    I hope you are pleased with yourself.


    1. This was an extremely funny and well written letter, Arnav!

  14. Dear Recorder,

    I came back home and practiced a nice and lovely tune that I wanted to play and show in front of Mr Farnell and my classmates. You were playing such a nice smooth and gentle tone that I really loved playing and practicing all evening.

    I am so sorry that I dropped you one the floor while I was on my way to school and broke you. Now you are not playing a nice smooth and gentle tune the way you were last night. I will try and explain what has happened to Mr Farnell and borrow a new one, but I always liked you and enjoyed playing nice tunes on you.

    I will take you to my dad this evening and I am sure he knows how to fix the recorder.

    From Ithisha.

    1. I hope you can fix it before next week! Well done!

  15. Dear microwave,

    How could you do this to me ? It was sports day and i wanted to have a healthy baked potato.I slipped it in you, i pressed the 4 minutes timer and waited and waited, with nothing happenning after a while i heard the beeping as soon as i opened it to see that the potato was'nt baked properly.I could'nt make another one as it was time already, i hope you are happy with yourself , you let me down...

    from Ashlyn

  16. Dear cup,

    I am so angry with you because last night I needed some medicine because I was sick. But I needed it in a cup so that I could drink from you.As I drank from you, you broke right in front of me. All of the medicine got spilled on my pyjamas. So can you imagine my first very big shocked I got from you?

    By Elena
