Friday 20 November 2015

Blogging task due 27th November

Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece

In Topic lessons we have been learning about the Greek gods and goddesses. Gods of war, goddesses of love, gods of death and destruction, they are all pretty impressive.

For your homework I would like you to think about the gods and goddesses that you don't hear about. The unimpressive gods.

For example:

· Cuppa the God of Tea;

· Éclair the God of Crème Cakes;

· HaychBee the Goddess of Pencils.

Those are gods of silly things.

Make up your own god or goddess to write about. Tell me a bit about them. What do they look like? What are their temples like? What sacrifices, tributes and gifts must you bring to their temples? Write a paragraph telling me about your god or goddess. We will read them out in class next week.


  1. Coca-cola is the god of coke he has two temples one shaped as a coke bottle and a coke can. People gift him different coke drinks like original, diet, cherry, zero, vanilla. His real name is Cole. Cole can make coke fall from the air. Cole is made out of coke . Cole always slips because he is made out of coke . Cole is very fizzy if you touch him your body will get fizzy and brown. Cole is the colour brown. He is the shape of a bottle and looks very strong his age is very old it is
    9800000000000098 Cole looks very young he has red clothes he has glasses.
    by Kavin

    1. A well thought out idea. Please use some sensible numbers for ages though . Well done, Kavin.

  2. I have got a whos name is pita he is the god of the toys like xbox he always eats chiken nuggets everyday my favroute thing about him is that he always scare peopal and his favroute thing he likes to do is fishing he has caught 7 fish so far this year so he throgh them back in he is my favroute

    By tommy

    1. I like the idea of a god of toys, Tommy! Try to use full stops in your writing please.

  3. My god is called Dona. He is the god of Animals. My god has a lion face and a human body. His skin colour is golden. He protects Animals from danger. He is also as brave as a lion. He has a huge palace with some Animals that have been in danger. Dona always case for them and some times sleeps with them as well.
    by Methmi

  4. Sofia is the god of happiness !!!
    Sofia has to make sure every one is happy and if some one is not happy then she goes to the head of the gods . They controll some one to go up to them and make them feel better!!!
    If she does not do that propelly she will have to be the god of some thing else.
    She always has a smile on her face and her temples are decorated with positivness!!! When you visit her temples you must have smile on your face and pressent her a positive gift!!!

    1. I like that she is in charge of putting a smile on people's faces!

  5. 1.Comgam, god of computer games by Soham.
    He is regtangle shaped.He has a happist smile.He is sometime be sad but he always be happy.His temple was also is regtangle shaped with lots of computer.We don't need to bring any thing except one,The computer.You just need to bring the computer/laptop to the temple and show the hard one to play.When I make everbody happy they let me go in his temple happliy.
    2.Kindasur Goddess
    She is a egg shaped.She has a surprising smile.She always be happy. Her temple is also egg shaped with lots of staircases and painted white color.We need to bring some eggs as offering.She will become happy when we have an boiled egg.when we behave good in Her temple She gives us lots of surprises with lots of choclate.I love Kindasur Goddess and like to worship her.

    1. I like the idea of needing to take your computer to the Comgam temple where everyone there can enjoy their games!

      Kindasur is a clever use of Kinda-egg, so two very strong ideas! Well done!

  6. Kindasur god: God of Kinder Surprise!!
    He is an egg shaped.He has a surprising smile.He always be happy. His temple is also egg shaped with lots of staircases and painted white color.We need to bring some eggs as offering.He will become happy when we give Him boiled eggs.When we really behave good in His temple He gives us lots of surprises and choclate.

  7. My god is called Timeless. He is very powerful and lives up to the age 500. He is the god of time so he named his two pets tick and tock. He only likes houses and temples which giant clocks in them. He has a small child called clock. By Mal

  8. My god is petal and she is the god of names . Petal make any sort of names and she makes lots of silly names like wicket which is a boy name and sleepy which is a girl name all saw she is a princess.
    She has a pretty dress, sparkling earing, shiny high hills, glimmering neck less with daemons on and a golden hear clips. Petal's temple had lots of names around and every time when people have new babies they come to pick a name which they like for the baby our they come to warship what great name they have but if they are nasty to other people you will be punish and have a bad distasting name.

    By Anu

    1. I like the fact that similar to the Medusa story you have thought of a way that people would be punished with a distasteful name!

  9. My god is called simon.He is powerful and brave he is 100 years old.He is the god of the moon .So that means that he lives on the moon. He has a pet rock.His hobby is to discover rocks.simon spends most of the time on the moon collecting rocks.simon the god of the moon is most famous for knowing the most about rocks.But simon the god of the moon had no family to live with.

    By Ashlyn

    1. Some people believe there to be a man in the moon so I wonder if this could be your god called Simon! A good try, Ashlyn!

  10. My monster name is costa the god of monster has a silly face and a pear of noisy shoes and 2 long shords and he has 2 shilds on it`s chest ands he is monster`s temple has gold on the outside and silver in the inside.every time you come you have to bring 1000,000,000,000 ITQUAN.

    1. You have described your character well. Your god sounds a little greedy to me!

  11. My goddess is the goddess of a pencil and her name is Merion and she was very beautiful. Her father died and her mother .And she was alone she had no one she was sad . But instead she tied to be happy. she married Jame and he was the god of a cake and he was a god. by Aisha

  12. Footie is the God of Football. He is thirty years old, six feet tall, has short golden curly hair, sea blue eyes, crimson red lips and wears diamond ear studs. He has an olympian physique. He is admired by all the goddesses and is the envy of all the gods.

    Footie is the God of football because he is the most talented and skillful football player ever. He is worshipped by all the aspiring football players. His weapon are his golden football boots which guide him during a football match.

    His temple is the football pitch where worshippers are encouraged to play a game of football. This is an offering and a gift for Footie. Surrounding the pitch are huge bronze statues of world class soccer players such as Messi, Ronaldo and Suarez. The entrance to the temple boast two huge gold trophies embossed with Footies face.


    1. I like the idea of the statues being footballers outside of the temple. Well written, Arnav!

  13. My god is petal!, and she is the god of names and petal makes any sort of names and she makes lots of silly names. like wacky which is a boy name and windy is a girl name also she is a princess. she has a pretty dress, speckling earing, shiny high heels, glimmering nucleus with daemons on and golden hair band.
    petal's temple had lots of names around the pleas and every time when people have new babies they come to pick a name from the wool witch they like for the baby or they come to warship what a great name they have but if they are nasty to other people you will be punish and have a bad distasting name. Her power can make there brain change but if they are still be knotty they will turn in to stone........... By Anu

  14. My God is called Simps.Simps is the God of Simpsons he watches Simpsons and he is a Simpsons as well.He is yellow with a green coat and a blue t-shirt with black trousers and wight trainers.Simps cant hear ore see properly. he can think of something and he haves it.Simps has his own galaxy and all the planets are his he has one thousand minions that attack other galaxy's and he always wins so he over takes them all.

    by Igor

  15. Tornado,the God of dragon.This dragon has twenty heads of which 10 dinosaur heads and 10 normal dragon heads.Tornado emits fire everytime he is angry.He can also flies and runs faster.He is powerful.He likes me and we are friends.He turns his enemies into ashes.


  16. God of hair
    The god of hair is called Hairy. He has the most beautiful, shiny, healthy and long hair. The hair on his scalp looks like the waves of the sea. He has hair all over his body.

    His temple looks like a long grass in the field. His idol will be in the centre of the field. The temple's ornate resembles a long shiny hair and it colour is gold.

    People offer hair, money & fruits. People chant to the hair god. People who don't have hair also visit the temple of hair god and pray for hair


  17. My god is called hope. He is not visible and is very cleaver. He is always hopeful of brighter future a head of us. Hope is always happy to see people look after each and share things together. He get upset when people are not very friendly to each other. He loves to play ghost hockey. His power lighting candle can damage your vision if you look at it with your bare eyes. By mushtaq

  18. My goddess is Firey. Firey is goddess of fire and light. She has three temples to pray in. One is a fire shaped, one is candle shaped and the last one is a heart shaped. People normally give her fire lamps and lights and pray to her.
    She has four pets and they are called fierry, lially, lighty and lampy. She puts lights all around temples. On special celebrations she comes to the houses with lots of lamps and entire city celebrates with fireworks.
    by Ithisha

  19. My god is the goddess of roller skates and her name is Zoom. She wears a purple t-shirt, blue shorts and is covered in bumps and bruises because she does not wear elbow or knee pads. If you gave her a gift that is not boots, laces and wheels she would not appreciate it. Her temple is made out of gold and the floor is made out of tarmac so it is smooth to skate on.

  20. Artimes is the goddess of gardens.She helps in growing magical pretty flowers and plants.Who ever smells her flowers becomes happy and joyful.Her temple is made of magical flowers.She is not rude to children nor hurts anyone..She likes chocolates and icecream the most.She likes to watch barbie cartoons.She also loves to sing and dance to the music made by birds and wind flowing through the garden.she likes to play with cute little children.


  21. My god is Future-back-pepsi.He always drinks pepsi and goes to the future to eat burgers and stuff like that. He even goes to the gym everyday so he's fit and active. Last week he went to the past and he discovered that he looked very fit than usual and his dreams came true. so he is the god of ligtning and past and future.
