Friday 27 November 2015

Blogging task due Friday 4th December 2015

Use the picture below as inspiration to write a legendary story. It should be no more than 100 words.

Remember to include;
  • correct punctuation and capital letters
  • varied sentence openers
  • descriptive words and phrases
  • similes
  • an interesting problem
  • a reward.

Wednesday 25 November 2015


For those of you who would like to do some extra practise!

Friday 20 November 2015

Blogging task due 27th November

Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece

In Topic lessons we have been learning about the Greek gods and goddesses. Gods of war, goddesses of love, gods of death and destruction, they are all pretty impressive.

For your homework I would like you to think about the gods and goddesses that you don't hear about. The unimpressive gods.

For example:

· Cuppa the God of Tea;

· Éclair the God of Crème Cakes;

· HaychBee the Goddess of Pencils.

Those are gods of silly things.

Make up your own god or goddess to write about. Tell me a bit about them. What do they look like? What are their temples like? What sacrifices, tributes and gifts must you bring to their temples? Write a paragraph telling me about your god or goddess. We will read them out in class next week.

Friday 13 November 2015

Blogging task due Friday 20th November 2015

Book Reviews
This week your task is to write a book review. It should be about a paragraph long and include:

·Title and author

·What the book was about

·What you thought of the book

·What ages/types of people you think should read it

·If you would recommend it to a friend
Write your book review in the comments section below.

Friday 6 November 2015

Homework task due Friday 13th November 2015

Ancient Greek Monsters and Myths

Next week we will be learning about myths and legends. The myths and legends of Ancient Greece were dominated by tales of heroes, gods and monsters.
For this homework you will be looking at the monsters of myth and legend. I would like you to create your own monster. Draw a picture of it and label your picture to tell me what each part does. Then write a paragraph telling me about your monster. Tell me about where it lives, what it does, how it behaves and what it has done to the heroes that have come across it.
You can write your paragraph on the blog so that we can read it together in class!
If you’re having trouble creating your monster, try the old Greek myth trick… simply take the head of one animal and combine it with the body of another. You can always add wings and a tail.