Friday, 27 May 2016

Romans due Friday 10th June 2016


After half term we will be learning about the Romans, in particular, their daily lives and buildings. Your task over half term is to create a poster about the Romans that we can display in our classroom. It can be in any format you like but it must be informative!


Friday, 20 May 2016

Extreme Environments due 27.5.16

Extreme Environments

Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about the Polar Regions. In particular we have learnt about the differences between the Arctic and Antarctic, how animals are adapted to live there and how climate change is affecting these regions.

This week, your task is to choose an animal that lives in the Polar Regions and write a paragraph explaining how they are adapted to live in these extreme environments. Think carefully about the colour of their fur, where they live, what they eat and how they survive the cold.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Natural History Museum due Friday 20th May 2016

Natural History Museum

Well done, everyone! You were so sensible and well behaved on our trip to the Natural History Museum. I was incredibly proud of all of you.

I would also like to say another massive thank you to the parents that helped us throughout the day. You were so helpful, kind and patient. 

Your homework task is to write about your favourite part of the day and tell us why you liked that part the most. Try to give more than one reason!

I would also like you to think of any questions you might have about the workshop we took part in and we will try to explore some of the ideas further in our Science lessons next term.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Blogging task due Friday 13th May 2016

What makes you happy?

This week we have been thinking about what makes us happy.

Your task is to write a paragraph telling us what makes you happy and all the reasons why.